Super Freak
You disagree with me and then in the very next sentence you admit what I pointed out. 

And the only reason you aren't defending the new design of the Predators is because you can't.
They look like they were designed by some ass hat who said: "Let's make these new Predators look like a villain from The Guyver or Mighty Morphin Power Rangers with some Mutated Spiderman and Sammael from Hellboy thrown in. Then we'll paint it all fruity and 'Joel-Schumacher-Batman-Nipples' gay."

I have not.
I only really defended something that I know is wrong, or I highly disagree with.
And the only reason you aren't defending the new design of the Predators is because you can't.
They look like they were designed by some ass hat who said: "Let's make these new Predators look like a villain from The Guyver or Mighty Morphin Power Rangers with some Mutated Spiderman and Sammael from Hellboy thrown in. Then we'll paint it all fruity and 'Joel-Schumacher-Batman-Nipples' gay."