I think whoever you guys were responding to was probably suggesting that this Predator is too generic to be be considered either the P1 or the Classic. I disagree, personally I don't really see the gross innaccuracies or care enough at least to be put off this figure. If a figure has something plainly stupid looking about it then I'll step in and care - the original HT P1 had a ridiculously large biomask that made him look like a bobblehead from some angles and his dreads flared out like Doc Browns hair - however thats been addressed on Classic. And the reason I didn't buy the Big Chap was more because I thought the face, such an important part of the Alien, looked silly even to the point of being unintentionally funny moreso than because of any innaccuracies...although obviously innaccuracy played into that.
Classic exudes sheer Predator character though whether it looks exactly like the movie suit or not.
Classic exudes sheer Predator character though whether it looks exactly like the movie suit or not.