PREDATORS- No Spoilers.

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Haha ! :lol

I watched it on Graboid Video, camcorded version, in Russian.
The part you didnt quote was when I said this was not my final opinion on the movie, because I hadnt seen it in English and in normal quality, so I was willing to give it the benefit of the doupt, but was going into the cinema with my expectations extremely low.

What I saw, visually, I didnt enjoy very much though. The preds were killed off too easily, like they were some regular movie monsters. (THEY ARE NOT !)
Ah Ok Mr. Fawkes. Well atleast ya saw it. :lol

And they ARE movie monsters. They arent the heroes of the story. People want the Predators to die.

What is up with people using Twilight as a bad thing?It was just as good as PREDATORS

Twilight sucks so ____ing hard it's insane. It's made by girls, for girls. Period. I cannot believe you said that. :gah:
Ah Ok Mr. Fawkes. Well atleast ya saw it. :lol

And they ARE movie monsters. They arent the heroes of the story. People want the Predators to die.

Twilight sucks so ____ing hard it's insane. It's made by girls, for girls. Period. I cannot believe you said that. :gah:

They are awesome movie monsters who dont die as easily as the zombies from Dawn of the Dead !!!!11!!1 :gah:
Sam Raimi is the greatest director alive. :lecture

And I mean that.

:lol What?

Just right off hand what about Scorsese, Tarantino, Paul Anderson, Wes Anderson, Nolan, Ridley and Tony Scott...

Raimi just remakes the same movie over and over again.
I never quite understood why the first was labelled as a horror comedy. Guess it's cos of Bruce.
Right now I'm watching the true sequel to Predator, Predator 2. And I'm loving it each time I watch it.
Since some of the stupid kids on this board constantly keep getting the spoiler thread closed, I will post my spoiler review here, so read at your own risk. Just fyi, I haven't read anyone elses reviews on this, this is purely from what I saw. Mods, if you dont want this post here, please move it cause I put a good amount of time into it and its the only review I have ever written on this board. :winner

First off, I rate this movie a 7.5/10. The biggest thing that killed this movie for me was all the things pretty much copied from the the original Predator film, which imo will never be beat, along with Predator 2. Why I say that is because they were original, from the design to all the scenes. If this movie did not have all the similar stuff from the original, I would have given it a 8.5-9/10.

Now to the things that really irked me about this film. Fist off, you cant deny the fact that it was completely lame to copy Stan's masterpiece almost to a tee, and then have him beat around like a little kid. I still have no explanation why he was in this film. The Yakuza guy, taking off his shirt with a big sword looks familiar doesn't? Remember Billy? Yes it helped that this battle was a lot better, but again, taken from the 1st. The first time we even get mention of a Predator in this film, much like the first, it copied the scene where the Predator does all the vioce manipulations while a human is staring directly at him. Of course, how can we forget the final battle scene with Arnold, all covered in mud with his shirt off. Well, we get the same circumstance in this film as well. Of course, all these things were not copied exactly, but to me, a huge P1 fan, these types of scenes stood out like a sore thumb to me, and I was really bothered by them.

The only other things that bothered me was that Brody looked so out of place in this film for about 3/4 of the film. It was like he was trying to hard to be someone he wasn't. He just couldn't pull off the whole I'm such a bad ass bit, I think he still could have pulled off lead actor, but he should have been more like himself instead of trying to be like Christian Bale. It was very noticeable. I bought the fact that Fishburne was a Looney tune, but it really just didnt fit in too well; that could have been handled a lot better, but I liked the fact that there was a human that had survived through many years, and we get a sense of his perspective.

Now lets get to the things I like about this film. I am now over the fact that the Bererker is a ugly SOB, literally lol. I now really respect his design. We get a better explanation to why he is so unique looking when Fish tells them that the difference is like Dogs to Wolves, I though that made a lot of sense to why these Preds were superior in some ways compared to others. I hated the "super Pred" things we heard about a long time ago, the real explanation is much better. Although the Berserker was a complete bad ass, I didn't get the sense of that from the others. Lets just say, I didnt like the other 2 Preds design wise at all or the way they played off of the lead Pred.

I do wander though, where the hell Sideshow got the idea for the new Tracker maquette when the Dogs didn't even have chains at all in this film, they were controlled by sound, so safe to say, I will never get that maquette; first it was based off design, but now cause it makes no sense to me. SS, WTH? :cuckoo:

Ok, on to so more positives........This film had so many better action scenes and better kills then any of the other Pred movies. I loved it!. They were what kept me interested. I was very happy to see a Pred vs. Pred battle, I didn't like the outcome, and in fact, I wished it would have been the final battle with the Winston Pred winning. If that would have been the case, I would have thought RR was giving Stan respect, but I feel he copied his design and bashed it at the same time. Nevertheless, it was a interesting battle that I wished would have been longer, but it was awesome to see. The kills were great, except the way Fish dies, cause when have we ever seen one blast blow up a whole body before?. The Pred dogs were cool, but I have no idea what the beast was that Fish killed, but it was nice to see another monster in there. Topher was suprisingly good actually, we don't see it until the end, but I liked his role in the film, the twist at the end was nice and he was very convincing.

The overall action in this film was great, but I'm sure like many others, we would like to see more Preds in action cause they are why we go to see these films anyways right? I enjoyed the final couple of scenes, I thought they were pretty clever. I like the new shoulder cannons these Preds had, and the single, long blade that can also shoot out was pretty cool. So, I still rank these behind the first 2, but they were much better done than the AVP flicks. There was some descent acting, but again, all the Predator 1 parodies held it back from becoming its own and seperating itself from the Winston and AVP movies.
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