Cheers for the link
Looks cool. Just hope the film will be also. Trying not to form an opinion or get hyped up so that I dont either get let down or go in with a negative view.
Atleast will get figures though![]()
the scary factor of the hunt is back.
I hope is rated R.
Hopefully it will be, will suck if predator has to be kept on a leash and told to play nice
I've never seen so much discussion over a trailer.
Does anyone get that it feels like a remake of the first Predator? Laurence Fishburne seems to adopting a Mac sort of voice so some of the characters feel the same. Guy with a big mini-gun, one woman and I'm not sure if the Asian guy with the sword or the Danny Trejo character is taking the Billy part of being a 'jungle mystic' (the way he takes the sword out reminds me of Billy's sacrifice scene). Just some thoughts.
There are definitely references to the first film. It may be a bit too referential to my liking based on the rail gun, Brody dressing like Arnold, Yakuza guy pulling out his blade, Latino chick, etc. I hope it doesn't go much further than that, though. The first Predator is awesome, but its been done.
Yeah I dont want a crap load of cliched tributes and nods to the original. Want this to stand on its own two feet and create its own moments. Not re-hash or rip off scenes etc from the first. And for the love of god I hope no one screams "GET TO DA CHOPPAAAA!!!" or say something like "If it bleeds, we can kill it!"
Trailer is up!
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