Thanks Shocky, I'll have to get some.Cedric72, Bunnings have it as do Art Riot probably Spotlight as well
Thanks Shocky, I'll have to get some.Cedric72, Bunnings have it as do Art Riot probably Spotlight as well
Alright, just because good enough isn't, and I totally get that, I went ahead and gave the eyeliner a once over to make it less dramatic, lightened the lips a bit, and lightened the hair quite a bit. So now what have you got to say about it?
The nice thing is there's really a lot of details to the piece despite her sleek look. Her arm band, hair adornment, earings, the slave chain itself, the vibro-axe and the actual ties to her bra are all very cool and nicely crafted.
And yes, if you lift up her back loin cloth you can see her bum! Someone had to say it... might as well be me.
Got mine today too and I'm very happy with her, although the chain bugs. And I'd disagree that the GG has a more accurate sculpt. This one captures not only the likeness but the "I'ma gonna ^^^^ you up" attitude Carrie had while wearing this costume.
I'm betting Carrie herself didn't see this PF. It was only a chance viewing of the GG statue that forced them to change that - I'm betting the thong bottom wouldn't have been approved by her, even though it's costume accurate.
They always make her eyes too big. The PF looks like a half-nude Angela Lansbury.
They always make her eyes too big. The PF looks like a half-nude Angela Lansbury.
Man! Are you planning to improve more or post anymore pictures SilentSurfer?