Super Freak
Oooo good job I got my order in for another metal sword then, phew....
Wake any idea when we could see or have a official word on the next two kill bill releases?
OK thanks for that surprised to hear o-ren was not popular that sculpt is brilliant?!?!?!.
may be a vote to see who would, if any? be a good seller?
So anyone who wants more Kill Bill guys should probably go ahead and order about 40 O-Rens today.
Go-go probably would've been a more successful opener and O-ren may have been better suited as a wave 2 offering.
Go Go would have been a much more appealing figure visually if you ask me. However I think O-Rens poor sales is down to the fact this particular franchise doesn't really need more than one figure. I'm sure there will be more than a few that disagree with me but Kill Bill for me is all about the Bride. Only character from the movie I need will stand alone perfectly. The O-Ren figure is insanely good the only explanation I can think of for poor sale is others have used the same reasoning as me.
I'm not sure you are correct mike. Lucy Liu is popular in Asia and the main villain would almost assuredly sell better than a henchmen.
Denny has alerted me that the Deadly Vipers PO period ENDS in 3 days. Thursday morning they will be unavailable for good.