I'd hoped folks had posted more pics in this thread so I wouldn't get flamed for not doing so. Mine arrived today (Bride, bloody bride, O-Ren), but unfortunately I have to store them away for a while. A very quick review because I only had them out for a couple of minutes which is why there are no photos. On balance everything looks very good. I think the O-Ren likeness is superb. Uma's likeness is in the good to very good range. I'm really not crazy about the bodies (Triads maybe) and especially how the heads fit on. There is a noticeable gap unless the heads are tilted slightly down. At first I thought it was broken. The Bride's head doesn't seem to fit on snugly and I don't want to force for fear of breaking something since the heads are resin as opposed to PVC plastic. Otherwise the body proportions look right and I'm sure some posing and futzing will yield the desired results. The tailoring and attention to detailing however is really first class IMO. I didn't go through the accessories other than to take a quick look at the helmet which looks cool, so can't really comment on those. I'll be curious to read other reviews on this, because admittedly mine doesn't give much to go on.