Got mine yesterday. Messed around with it a bit, looking it over, spending some time with it, seeing what what it has to offer, & overall, it's a nice figure. It feels pricey for the amount of issues mine has, but I'd rather own it, than not.
- Beatrix sculpt (although a bit blushy on mine I think).
- Biker outfit.
Cool, But Could Be Cooler:
- Tracksuit is nice, but I think the choice of yellow might be off.
- Quality metal sword, but the missing stamp is disappointing.
Not So Cool:
- Inaccurate shoe lace colour.
- Helmet not fitting on neck peg properly.
- Stripes on my helmet are not centered.
- Zipper size.
The neck gap has been mentioned earlier in here, but for me, it isn't really an issue on mine. Maybe push it down further like Wake said? Mine was fine out of the box. Also, I don't think the Play Toy shoes will be as nice as the iMiniMe ones. I have a pair of similar looking Play Toy shoes, but with white laces (I'm using them with the biker outfit), & even though the iMiniMe laces are the wrong colour, they still suit Beatrix better I think. I'm still curious as to which outfit & sword I'd prefer between the iMiniMe & Play Toy figures, so I'm thinking of getting the Play Toy set as well. Kinda annoying because I might have figured when it came to accuracy & quality, it wouldn't even be a contest. More money
- Is the hair magnetised & easily removeable from the head? Or is it glued on now? I didn't want to force it myself.
- Will there be accurate shoes with the right coloured shoelaces being offered to buyers at a later date? Or is it a "too bad, that's how it is" situation?
I appreciate the efforts of Denny, iMiniMe, & friends, in doing what they can to bring a wanted figure to our collections.