Love the Tech Noir version from the first film.
Yep, its very underrated and a completely different look from what has become iconic black leathers for Terminators.
Love the Tech Noir version from the first film.
I actually almost recently sold the Tech Noir, but the more I think about it I’m glad I didn’t. I sold the T-1000 a while back and somewhat regret it because I doubt I’ll ever obtain it or if I do it won’t be easy/cheap. Same would be the case with the Tech Noir.Yep, its very underrated and a completely different look from what has become iconic black leathers for Terminators.
They will have to take my Terminator figures over my cold dead body.I actually almost recently sold the Tech Noir, but the more I think about it I’m glad I didn’t. I sold the T-1000 a while back and somewhat regret it because I doubt I’ll ever obtain it or if I do it won’t be easy/cheap. Same would be the case with the Tech Noir.
Oooooo.....maybe they'll do a T1 terminator! I sure hope so!
Does anyone have this for sale yet?
Solid advice.--
Considering how cheap life is currently valued in society where your 1:6 figures are worth more, that is quite possible.
I recommend legally acquiring an AR based on where you reside. I own an Yugoslavian made AK-47 for when I absolutely, positively, and undeniably must legally defend myself within my home against anyone forcefully breaking and entering and posing an immediate threat to me that may result in bodily harm/injury while being fully cognizant of local and state laws regarding legal and reasonable personal defense while having the appropriate legal documentation for my AK-47 as a home defense firearm.
Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them...Yeah that Raider Jones jacket may be "real leather" but many people seemed to not notice that it looks just like the Hasbro 12" Indy jacket from 2008.
Hopefully this Arnie one is better being a year or so down the line.
Yeah the HT Tech Noir was one my first HT figs, I remember seeing my first HT fig back in about 2010 and thinking to myself, ' Wow GI Joe has come along way in recent years '.I did the same thing with my DX13. Two full figures plus ended up with some extra accessories/outfit parts. Great looking figures. I've got the DX10 and the MMS117, too. There's just something about the MMS117 that captures the early scenes T-800 perfectly.
Love the Tech Noir version from the first film.
Yeah, that's the one. Creases in the arms look identical there.
I know what you mean. Maybe we should give them a chance - look how awful the Indy looked in the promo’s and yet the final product turned out not too bad in the end…