Prime 1 - Alien Warrior 1/3

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@Rotfish Nice, thanks for mentioning that, I had no idea. I'm an Alien franchise collector first & foremost, so this is hugely intriguing for me. Have they mentioned anything on FB or wherever? I want pics! :D
That I don't know, I just came across this video a few days ago. It's at the 23:30 mark.

I'm keeping my Warrior bust in a cube shelf at the moment, so only its face catches light in the evening. Took a photo with low exposure and pushed the effect to try and recreate one of the movie posters.

I'm keeping my Warrior bust in a cube shelf at the moment, so only its face catches light in the evening. Took a photo with low exposure and pushed the effect to try and recreate one of the movie posters.

Sugo still haven't got my deluxe. Even with updates like' anticipate to to arrive early december'. The regular is in stock, trying to resist just changing my order to that, but I know I will regret that decision and the bust is awesome!
Sugo still haven't got my deluxe. Even with updates like' anticipate to to arrive early december'. The regular is in stock, trying to resist just changing my order to that, but I know I will regret that decision and the bust is awesome!
Yikes, sorry to hear you're still waiting. Sugo were pretty timely with my Jungle Predator bust, I wonder what the holdup is with the DX for this.
@Raiders March If it makes you feel any better, I have not received my DX from Secret Compass either. There's no issue, just the long wait for them to receive their stock. SC was quoted 'winter '23' for this, but looks as though that's being pushed to 'winter '24' by now, 😅

@Rotfish Nice photo, that came out really well. Good use of lighting/fast shutter speeds. That could be a movie poster.
Yikes, sorry to hear you're still waiting. Sugo were pretty timely with my Jungle Predator bust, I wonder what the holdup is with the DX for this.
Thanks, the bust was pretty straight foward for me as well. I’m mainly worried about the time it’s taking to get the warrior dxs because by march, I cop a super expensive month and will really struggle to fund the balance of the statue. That and I was initially told July, then october, then early December only to ring again and be told because of the Christmas period it is now January. Guess we’ll see! Honestly, there are more important things to be concerned about during the holiday season, I’m just venting to like- minded people that are on the same page.
So, hopefully you all see some humour in this one! Sugo have now replied saying the regular on their website was actually the DX bonus. Lucky someone else didn't buy it! They have since corrected the mix-up and sent me the invoice. So it looks like their warehouse guys need a lesson in item numbers as it's been sitting in stock for few weeks and none of them bothered to check why? At least it's there I guess, and I plan to pick it up on Saturday
I collected the statue from sugo. The boxes are pretty heavy to move around, and as careful as I am, it is hard to prevent the art boxes from tearing in places as you remove the foam inserts. I just worked on the base box first, as space in the cave is limited, and will get to the other soon. I received 180/300 and man those eggs are friggin massive!


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Well it's finally all put together! And seriously what a menacing piece it is. The pose is fantastic and looks like it's almost gonna leap out at you and tear you a new one. It is crazy heavy, the back wall easily weighing more than the base. And the finer detail on the Alien is very impressive and super crisp, with the bust making the DXS a great purchase for this complimenting accessory. The eggs are also great and I have an open one on order to further complete my setup.
Everyone who is waiting on this, it will be so worth it once it's in your hands!


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Is Prime 1 trickling these things out one at a time, every few months? People have been receiving these things for ages now, and yet still so many others are still waiting.
Is Prime 1 trickling these things out one at a time, every few months? People have been receiving these things for ages now, and yet still so many others are still waiting.
Good question, gauging only by you tube reviews, these started shipping from about march last year, then some popped up around July/August and then now. Maybe Shane has a new year update for you? As we already mentioned, lack of info and waiting sucks!
Is Prime 1 trickling these things out one at a time, every few months? People have been receiving these things for ages now, and yet still so many others are still waiting.
Some retailers just got them in stock a few weeks ago. Secret Compass is usually dead last to get P1s.
Good question, gauging only by you tube reviews, these started shipping from about march last year, then some popped up around July/August and then now. Maybe Shane has a new year update for you? As we already mentioned, lack of info and waiting sucks!
Some retailers just got them in stock a few weeks ago. Secret Compass is usually dead last to get P1s.
Shane has always been good about replies to inquiries, and in my last one to him in early December he stated that he was told 'Winter 20204' to receive his shipments of these, so I guess I have until end of March before Winter of 2024 officially ends... :(
If there were any uk based collectors willing to sell their closed mouth bust. I’d def be interested! Also if anyone wants an alien 3 dog closed mouth full body and base (boxed) dm me please!
Really happy with how my Aliens and predator display has materialised. It's a special part of the collection, despite the many franchises I love.
Definitely worth it imo for the joy it evokes, can't put a price on that!


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