Realized the folding table I've been trying to get rid of for the last year might actually be a good temporary display solution for this. It's a metal construction, 34" W x 34" D x 28" H, supposedly can hold 100 lbs. evenly distributed. There's a thin vinyl coating and some stuffing on the top, but I doubt the puffiness would be a factor under this kind of mass. - 34" x 34" Folding Table Black
Not bad for $40. I might put a Besta or something of equal height under the middle just to help bolster it. Maybe add a table cloth to make it less unsightly.
The idea is to assemble the statue on something other than the floor so I can inspect the parts and get a good idea of how it will actually look in my space before dropping another few hundred on a custom pedestal.
The alternatives would've been assembling it on my island or putting two Bestas back to back. - 34" x 34" Folding Table Black
Not bad for $40. I might put a Besta or something of equal height under the middle just to help bolster it. Maybe add a table cloth to make it less unsightly.
The alternatives would've been assembling it on my island or putting two Bestas back to back.
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