It’s not a Sideshow product.
No kidding - Sideshow is selling it though.
It’s not a Sideshow product.
Its already gone to waitlist?
The regular version is up on BBTS now. $192 NRD
I hope they hold off on the next Miller until the end of the year. I need more time!While I did preorder, I think the likely scenario is that I'll end up cancelling this for the Miller blue whenever that's revealed. Maybe this year?
It's amazing. If this was the first 1/3 scale statue Prime 1 revealed, instead of the Arkham Batman, this would've been sold out in minutes. But now there's so many choices out there, that people feel more comfortable waiting it out or passing completely.
End of the year would be fine with me, I guess just before the Hush version ships so I can decide between them lol.I hope they hold off on the next Miller until the end of the year. I need more time!
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That, and many people have issues with it. Otherwise I'm sure the ex would be gone long ago anyway. Miller Bats was universally loved, and rightly so. This just hasn't, so people are indeed reluctant. Which is understandable - these things are too expensive and cumbersome (huge boxes, too) to buy if you don't absolutely love them.
This one will be around for a while. DKR Miller Batman EX waitlisted in 3 hours or so.
If this had been a home run it would be the same but the pose is awkward and there are an abundance of options flooding the market.
Thought it would have sold out all the EXs by now, as much as I thought that this would have a slightly higher ES than TDKR Batman.
I guess Prime 1 took note of the polarized reaction. Yes they have plenty of Batmen in their catalogue already and more we're yet to see, but this is Hush Batman, so...
Did they announce plans to do the Villians from Hush? Love the Superman and I really like the Batman as well...though with the Miller Batman do too land in a few days at my doorstep not rush to order the Bastman Hush...
Poison Ivy has been announced as a companion to Superman (he has a rotating base so you chose whether to display him with her or Batman.) I imagine, if the line continues, the Joker will be a consideration, as Batman's exclusive is Joker's flag gun.
Joker seems to get an awful lot of love. I get it, very very popular character etc but Jim Lee Joker is not his finest work on Hush. I would much rather a long overdue Nightwing, Catwoman or dare I say it Hush (Jason Todd alternate head) himself to continue this line.
I can count the number of times I've enjoyed Jim Lee's attempts at drawing the Joker on one finger, and it wasn't in Hush. I even remember Jeph Loeb's writing during that Joke scene being terrible, or at least cliched. I'd also love a comic Nightwing instead, but P1 has expressed they don't intend to make one for this line, due it competing with the Arkham version. And, as much as I love Catwoman, statue companies are just as guilty of overproducing statues of her as they are Joker.
I agree. Catwoman is one of the very few characters I don't have that I want and I think this version of it would be perfect.Agreed.Catwoman also receives more than her fair share of statues. this case......Jim lee owned Catwoman from this series, she was drawn to perfection. The only Catwoman statue I would ever need.