Statue Prime 1 studio 32" Megatron

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Prime Studios sneaked their upcmong Optimus prime, this just became a must have
There’s no doubt that the Prime1 Megs is awesomely detailed and a beast of a statue. Still, it’s just Megs at the end of the day and he wasn’t a super-cool character nor a super-cool design, so the appeal is tempered a little bit.

Optimus though is a whole different kettle of fish, Optimus rocks (even if Bay turned him into a murdering pyscho in the third film). So Optimus by Prime1 is going to be the ultimate Optimus piece I suspect.

My issues are though, it’s going to cost a fortune no doubt and the size is restrictive both in terms of having somewhere to put it and shipping costs (especially if you gotta ship to the UK like me!). For me the Megs base is just too big, it’s massive and it’s not that interesting, I don’t know if they have to do that because of stability issues but hope Optimus has a small more interesting footing.
I will gladly pay 2k for a 32" Optimus.Such a shame that they are only available for Japanese customers.
Isn't this Prime 1 Studio's first statue? SS made Optimus..

That's correct SS and idol workshop made Optimus
Prime 1 studio made this megatron and supossely a
Optimus is in the works by prime 1 studios.

My question is suprise no one's mentioned it
Megatron has light up fearures and switch out hands.
One being a canon how come he wasn't display with the
Canon at sdcc ?
Some Wondercon pics, this thing is badass. The detail and the weathering looks insane.

If only I had a big house to put this in, but in an apartment my gf would I'm pretty sure kill me:p





this will be a nightmare if left displayed improperly without any glasses or proteciton, I can only imagine the number of bugs that could make their homes in between all the spaces lol
this will be a nightmare if left displayed improperly without any glasses or proteciton, I can only imagine the number of bugs that could make their homes in between all the spaces lol

I think this is the first post I have EVER read that talked about BUGS infesting your statues LOL:panic: Where do you live and have you thought about an exterminator????:horror
lol, sometimes my places are empty for weeks and full of bugs by the time , In India, we dont have exterminators,we just clean up purselves and they appear again
but in all seriousness, this does look like a tough cookie to clean with dust able to enter all unseen places
this will be a nightmare if left displayed improperly without any glasses or proteciton, I can only imagine the number of bugs that could make their homes in between all the spaces lol

hmm did i read this correctly :monkey4 Leaving a statue uncovered will cause it to become a bug nest? i think that's a quality of life issue..