Freaked Out
swift 3min40 unboxing by TsuNAMiDAZE with better lighting,video editing and no talk..
Oh hey that's my video! Thanks for the plug!!
I posted a full review last night.
swift 3min40 unboxing by TsuNAMiDAZE with better lighting,video editing and no talk..
Oh hey that's my video! Thanks for the plug!!
I posted a full review last night.
I've only been collecting since late last year, but this one has me more excited than I've ever been for a statue. The pictures and videos so far look fantastic.
My waitlist for the EX supposedly converted and they billed me for the NRD Thursday, but the order is still "Processing". I am still learning the ropes here as this is the first time I've waitlisted anything from SSC.
Between this and the AK Harley EX that I have on PO, if I can score the AK Catwoman and AK Batgirl, I think I would be a very happy camper.
Oh hey that's my video! Thanks for the plug!!
I posted a full review last night.
Man, that video review was great! I really want one, haha. Since they're making a few Batman statues down the line, I might wait to see some of the others, as I've never played Arkham Knight yet. They are all 1/3 scale? Are they doing a 1/4 line by chance? I almost want to sell my SSC Batman & Superman for the Prime 1 versions.
They're doing a 1/4 line, but I believe they're starting out with the New 52 versions.
Oh hey that's my video! Thanks for the plug!!
I posted a full review last night.
Amazing how massive he looks compared to the 1/4 scale statues. Made me look at my 1/4 Arkham City Batman and just think, holy crap what am I getting myself into? lol
Got an email today saying I should have the funds in my account by tomorrow so they can process the order, hope this means he is going to ship soon! Really getting excited now!
Got an email today saying I should have the funds in my account by tomorrow so they can process the order, hope this means he is going to ship soon! Really getting excited now!