That's where they're getting you!

It's definitely a crazy EX...I mean, I personally think it'd be smarter to just include it across the board and add a swap out gun for the EX, but I'm sure the ES will be a lot smaller than Batman's 3000 (overall). But yeah, when I saw that was the EX, part of my brain went, "Well then don't you need to get it? Because it's the EX! It'll sell out!" But I don't really want it. I mean, I do and I don't. If I had infinite money, no brainer...but since I have to be selective, I'm a little more hesitant.
But making this the EX will definitely cause people to order the EX who may have been on the fence entirely when it came to the statue in general. I'll never say never, and I'll never think someone is crazy if this is what makes them order it! As I said, that was my first thought too! But I have to be strong and choose wisely - especially since I can only order EXs directly from Sideshow, which ends up costing me an extra couple of hundred dollars in the end!
That's one reason why I'd rather an EX be something that's awesome to display as an option, but not all but critical to get if you're ordering a piece, which I believe this one would be. I wonder what the Catwoman/Harley EXs would be. I'm thinking small, because Batman's was just the batarang.'d be cool if she came with a Riddler Trophy. That'd make sense, really! She could also just have the EX be the collar she wore. On the Harley front, that's a bit tougher. I'd think it'd probably be a swap out weapon or something along those lines.
Either way, Prime 1 is really taking off this/next year! Hope they reveal some more Arkham pieces before the year is out!