I think Michael was referring to the clipping mechanism for the strap around Luke's thigh, which is dangerously constructed, as Michael said, the plastic clip and the leather are about the same width.
I may be totally stupid, or my Bespin Luke may be different than everyone else's, but I didn't have a problem with the holster. Mine is magnetic. The ball isn't designed to go through the hole, bur rest atop it. Is mine different from other's???The only trouble I have is that every now and again the leather strap will attach itself to the metal part of the SS stand.
Thanks for the cool review though, I always enjoy reading your thoughts!
Did you send yours back Mike? Get yourself on thats totally cool and all that.
If I have to send the whole thing back to get a replaced holster, I will. I'd rather live with the elbows, and get a new holster though - less work on my part. I'm going to talk to them tomorrow.
You know, these two pictures prove that the Leia figure's head is way too big. Carrie Fisher's face and the figure's face are almost exactly the same size in both pictures; Yet the Sideshow figure's body is much, much smaller then Fisher's real body. Obviously the head should be made smaller. It also proves the issues I have with the size of the crown of the figure's head, it's clearly much too small to be proportionate with the size of the figure's face. If both faces are of equal size, then the crown should also be of equal size but is much smaller on the figure.I agree with Michael that it doesn't look good with the collar up while the tank is on underneath, but it does make a fair difference removing the tank.
And this might be the shot you were referring to.