Super Freak
Uh oh! Sound the alarms! 

Python cancelled as well. (hope it wasn't a secret)
If it was I wouldn't have told the forum gossiper
I wait listed it while I had a good old think about it because I really want an Engineer in my display. Ultimately however the fused legs just don't work for me personally so I cancelled in the hope we will still get a second suited version... I do think this will actually be quite a nice piece however for those that can live with the pose.
I suspect it will look pretty cool from certain angles.
If he had his helmet on this would be a no-brainer for me. That way I could still pretend they're jockeys and not stupid horrible franchise ruining engineers.
Then state your opinion as an opinion. I don't come into this "PROMETHEUS ENGINEER MAQUETTE" thread to read your nonsense about how the engineers are "stupid horrible franchise ruiners".Screw you man, it's my opinion. I'm not getting into a huge debate with you since you never stop (I've read dozens of them before from you). It has nothing to do with how it ended, it has to do with how they rewrote what came before. Most real Alien fans will agree with me. Later.