Super Freak
Alien Franchise was ruined light years before Prometheus came along. If anything Prometheus injected some well needed quality and storylines.
But we still had the beauty of the original. I just pretend Prometheus doesn't exist and am happier that way. Alien 4 is also a putrid movie but at least it realizes that. Ridley Scott thinks he made a masterpiece and just created a movie with more plot-holes than I care to go through here. If you like it more power to ya. It was well shot and the musical score was great, but that's it. All style and no substance.
Prometheus still doesn't address the original, it's just a nod in it's direction. The only thing that's different is that we know slightly more about the guy in the chair.
I always find it strange how people defend the franchise when it has absolutely no consistency what so ever even between movies. At first it's egg morphing then it's a queen, we got smooth and rough domes, we got killers and canon fodder, .... just random variables for the sake of storytelling
Really Prometheus is no more of a mess than the very movie's that spawned it. Besides Scott was right , there's no way any director worth his pay check is going to touch the Alien after the giant mess that was AVP. He did the right thing, even if it wasn't well received by some hardcore fans.
Personally I'm pretty excited for Prom 2 now that the stage has been set.
If he had his helmet on this would be a no-brainer for me. That way I could still pretend they're jockeys and not stupid horrible franchise ruining engineers.
Just because something isn't explained doesn't mean it's a plot hole.Here's Prometheus in a nutshell:
Engineer + Goop= Humans
Goop + Humans= Zombies
Goop Zombies+ Humans= Trilobite
Engineer + Trilobite= Xenomorph
See the problem here? It makes zero sense. I like what Scott tried to do but there are just too many holes, even for this franchise. The scientists were horribly written and did everything that a scientist shouldn't do. The mapper with the little drone things, who's job it was to map the place, got lost. The biologist decided that touching an unknown snakelike alien species was the right thing to do. These are just the problems that I recall without having seen the movie in years. Now, visual and audio were great but the plot was atrocious. Again, if you like it more power to ya and I will see the sequel...hoping that it's a better movie.
Just because something isn't explained doesn't mean it's a plot hole.
Well there's the issue of why the black ooze mutated Fifield into a monster and only seemed to slowly kill Charlie. Though I suppose it could have eventually mutated Charlie as well, and only took longer because he was exposed to a single drop of it.
From what we see in the film, any human exposure to the ooze eventually results in a Xenomorph being created. Fifield was turning into one and Shaw gives birth to a "facehugger" which then impregnates the engineer with a Xenomorph. It seems like it's purpose is cleaning the slate. A biomechanical weapon that turns humans into monsters to kill other humans.
"To create one must first destroy", as David said.
Shame that if it requires a bit of thought and speculation it's instantly a "plot hole" or, "makes zero sense".