Wow, WRONG!!!!
I have said nothing in here about Prometheus "failing," I really don't have to get into that even because the movie's track record is what it is. This has been more than discussed elsewhere and I am not going there in this thread.
Second, please post where I have "torn down" anyone in this thread for liking the film. WRONG, and I do not appreciate this false allegation. I have went OUT of my way to avoid provocation here. I am looking up above and I am not seeing a thing.
If anyone has been "ignored," this is because that person is one of the most tenacious users of ad-hominem insults and outright lies on the entire Sideshow Collectors site, who simply, never, ever EVER stops arguing when he has been crossed. Note that "crossed" = "does not agree with him." That's all you have to do. [one wonders how he would behave if actually provoked!] I am not tolerating this, although I would be well within my rights to defend myself from completely unwarranted attacks.
I despise unwarranted attacks because I happen to hold a differing opinion. People EARN my respect by interesting conversation, not with never-ending ad-hominem attacks. I am not saying your post is an attack, the guilty party well knows who they are. Its just ridiculous to be flaming people who have the temerity to disagree with you, and if you have more to say on this subject please take it to PM. This whole thing is quite off-topic and the flames have been fanned enough.
Nice maquette! Too bad it does not have a better pose.
I probably wasnt clear but i also meant to refer to all the other Prometheus threads on this site where you and others got into it with very malicious attacks on each other. You clearly expressed you dont like the movie in other Prometheus threads, not just this one, and thats fine, but you and others keep arguing and arguing about it to the point of insulting each other gets pretty nasty. And a lot of times you claimed the movie made no sense, but when people who love the movie asked why doesnt make sense to you, you never really gave an answer other than just saying their were plot holes, but no specifics were given which I am more than happy to discuss if you feel there are plot holes and for the most part i think i can point out that there arent as many plot holes as you think. Most of us can agree there is some poor character development and actions by some of the 2nd and 3rd level characters were odd, but i think most of us can agree Noomi, David, Charlie, Weyland and Vickers are solid characters with excellent character development. With a huge emphasis on Noomi IMO was AMAZING!!!!!
So us Prometheus fans are now in this thread about the maquette, and of course the movie gets discussed because it has to do with the film. If people think threads about toys and statues from films arent going to discuss the films, then I think thats kind of wrong. We should be free to discuss stuff. Its not like we are talking about the TV show Glee in a Prometheus thread. We are talking about Prometheus.
You said you despise unwarranted attacks, and i dont blame you because its awful when it happens, but you have to admit you have given them to. I went back to read a lot of the other Prometheus threads, and yes people attacked you, but you also attacked them.
So i am more than happy to discuss why you do or dont like Prometheus, we can certainly do that without attacking each other. If you feel there are holes, tell us what those holes are. Maybe we can clarify things or maybe not. But if you dont want to discuss it anymore, thats fine.
And I might be replying to you here, and i dont mean to point you out, this is for anyone, like Nothingface too, or anyone who wants to discuss the film.
I try not to care too much about what others think of films, because i know its your own opinions. But i think we can all admit when someone trashes something we love, we tend to try to defend it. Its tough to do on the internet because we feel like certain things feel more aggressive than they probably would be if we talked in person in a group sitting around. So if my words come out as aggressive here, I do apologize.