Super Freak
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?
They need to bring back Spaith or at least use the Engineer concepts he defined in his scripts, treatment, backstory and build a story around it. And have the ***** to show epic stuff not just hint at it. They need to stop the hauted house **** (one ship, a group of humans, a few monsters) and go big, AVATAR big.
Say what you want about this movie but at least it delivered the goods in term of scale, i felt cheated in PROMETHEUS.
We met one of the major civilization at play in the ALIEN mythos and we end with one poor shmuck alone hunting humans.
PROMETHEUS should have been the first half of the movie, then the second part and climax was to be PARADISE.
Hope they will deliver the goods but i doubt it.
They are not going to put a ****load of money in the sequel, im sure they will go "cheap".

They need to bring back Spaith or at least use the Engineer concepts he defined in his scripts, treatment, backstory and build a story around it. And have the ***** to show epic stuff not just hint at it. They need to stop the hauted house **** (one ship, a group of humans, a few monsters) and go big, AVATAR big.
Say what you want about this movie but at least it delivered the goods in term of scale, i felt cheated in PROMETHEUS.
We met one of the major civilization at play in the ALIEN mythos and we end with one poor shmuck alone hunting humans.
PROMETHEUS should have been the first half of the movie, then the second part and climax was to be PARADISE.
Hope they will deliver the goods but i doubt it.
They are not going to put a ****load of money in the sequel, im sure they will go "cheap".