Rex Tremendae Majestatis
Re: Prometheus Sequel (March 2016)

I don't know, the entire Hobbit trilogy lacked in emotional substance for me...
Hobbit battles got nothing on Pelennor fields/Minas Tirith or friggin' Helms Deep. Theoden's speeches alone are more compelling than anything in the Hobbit movies.
The tense build up before the Rohan archer accidentally lets an arrow go into an Uruk-Hai'a neck, the little touches of realism like the dude with the missing eye ball, the pounding Uruk-Hai theme as the latters spring up on the walls and the crossbowmen kill off Elves and the Berserker Uruk-Hai jump onto the wall, etc. Nothing like it. Hobbit had wild hogs doe . . .

"Where is the Horse and the Rider" is probably my favorite part of TTT. I need to watch that one again soon.
But regarding Hobbit battles vs. Helm's Deep or Minas Tirith, I count them equal but different. I think Helm's Deep is like Braveheart with organized resistance against rank and file troops brilliantly done. Dale to me is like Hadley's Hope's last stand against the Alien Hive. I find the Hobbit forces of evil to be more hellish and nightmarish than the Uruk-hai and Mordor forces. And you've got those nightmare creatures attacking a much more "civilian" population which kind of adds to the unpleasant vibe. So I really like both dynamics.

I don't know, the entire Hobbit trilogy lacked in emotional substance for me...