lol... im glad i dont care about the PS3 because i'd seriously cause major damage to an EB store if i found out they were holding some back for their "friends" that stopped me from getting one.
Bannister said:Yeah, me and Danny both got one. At the eb games we were at, the guy in front of us had three people with him who he was paying $100.00 each to preorder one for him. A reporter also showed up and talked to the guy and he said that he was going to be getting nine total to resell.
SSC_Nerd said:Someone shoulda just spoke up about it and spilled the beans.
Mookeylama said:now that **** is totally wrong. there should be some sorta rules like only 1 per household not person, or if the guy is being totally blatant about it, like talking to a freakin reporter about paying friends to be there, then the store should limit them to 1. if i'd seen that crap, or what Tom went thru w/ employee hoarding, i'd've left and came back w/ a gun.
tomandshell said:And the other store was even more blatant about it. There was a line of thirty people standing there, and they wouldn't sell to them. The employees were seen getting on the phone and calling other people to come down to the store. People were pulling up in their cars, walking right past the line of people who had been there all morning, and heading straight to the register to put down their deposit. People in the line were not happy about going home empty handed.
DannieDarKo said:Definetly not me, I'm not a snitch. Secondly it may of resorted into a fist fight and I can't afford to break probation.![]()
tomandshell said:I'll have to stop by. I'm a really big fan of Gamestop and would love to give them some of my hard earned money.
SSC_Nerd said:Form what I've heard, the Gamestop people CAN deny you a preorder if they find out you're just doing a 180 and selling it. Someone shoulda just spoke up about it and spilled the beans.
I don't know how the hell they'd do it, but there is also a rumor that gamestop will be literally investigating people to find out if they're just going to sell it. I don't know HOW they pull off something like this, but a lot of people have been saying they actually do have the power to do this. Crazy rumor, yes, but interesting nonetheless.
Talk about being organized.occulum said:just dropped by my local EBGames and the guy there said they had 16 PS3's for presale that morning. The line had been there since 7am and the people had already handed numbers out to themselves when the employees got there to start doing to sales.![]()
tomandshell said:I'll have to stop by. I'm a really big fan of Gamestop and would love to give them some of my hard earned money.
occulum said:so the Wii is actually supposed to be of inferior resolution as opposed to the other 2?
I know it doesnt play the HD/BlueRay DVDs, but I thought the games were up to par quality wise with the others. Is that not so?
Nintendo is taking a gamble by putting out a console that is less powerful than the Xbox 360, which is already on the market. The PlayStation 3 will also far surpass it in rendering games in high-resolution, realistic graphics.
"We have a different paradigm for what turns on the consumer," Fils-Aime said. "If you want power, frankly, you're going to go somewhere else."
In particular, the Wii won't render high-definition video output. It's limited to a resolution slightly higher than that of standard TV. Nintendo is betting that HDTVs are still not common enough to be a major factor for people buying a game console.