Well, I couldn't resist. I have to chime in on a few of the issues being discussed. First off, I could have easily pre-purchased a PS3 on ... well, I guess most of you will be calling it Screwed Day

. One of my relatives is a manager of a local EB and all it would have took was a 100 dollar check that he could have rang in for the pre-purchase that morning. However, there is absolutely no reason to own a PS3 right now, at least in my opinion. I was not going to be one of those a##holes who bought it just to scalp. Sure, easy money, but I prefer to take the higher moral ground. And, as a game system, the PS3 doesn't offer enough over my X360 to warrant the cost. Now, don't start throwing that "but it comes with a Blue Ray player" jargon at me. I don't want a Blue Ray player... and if I did, I would buy a dedicated stand alone unit. I want a video game machine. Here is some of the soul searching that I did before I decided against a PS3 at launch.
1.) 90% of the games available at launch will be available/or are already available for the X360. That's 600 plus tax in money I can funnel towards X360 and other older system's games.
2.) That 10% of exclusive games really don't look all that interesting. The only exclusive game I saw for launch that even warranted an eye brow raise was Resistance - and I can wait to play another WWII FPS ... even one with aliens
3.) While the PS3 is technically more powerful than the X360, everyone agrees it will be at least a year, and probably 2 or 3, before we can actually see that difference on our screens. The PS3 is much harder to program for than the X360. Add that to the fact that all non-exclusive designers (which accounts for the majority of them) want games that can be released on all 3 systems. So, there is no reason for them to spend the time and money it will take to master PS3 game design, when they can easily turn out a X360 game, port it identically to the PS3, then slightly downgrade that to work on the Wii. PS3 is still in that magical land we like to call "hypothetical power". On paper, it doubles the potential of the X360. However, as to whether we ever see that on screen, that depends on the designers. The Sega Saturn and Dreamcast were much more powerful than their contemporary systems at launch. But they were also hard to program for, and they never reached the graphical brilliance they were capable of.
4.) Sony is rushing to put these out, just like MS did with the X360. Luckily, I have never had a problem with my X360. However, I have 3 friends who weren't as lucky. So, I figure, might as well wait for the 2nd revision ... or at least til they work out the early kinks.
5.) This last one is less tangible ... but ended up being the final nail in my launch PS3's coffin. I waited in line for 10 hours to buy my X360. And for about a month and a half, I was in gaming bliss. Then around mid-December, I ran out of good games to play on it. I went back to the PC, PS2, and Xbox. I did not really feel the need to break out my system, other than occasional rentals, til last summer when the deluge of good gaming hit. Lets be honest ... in terms of exclusive games on the PS3 ... this will be the same fate for the PS3. All next-gen systems struggle to put out quality content for those months after launch.
So, I put 250 bucks down on a WII, and prepurchased Zelda and Red Steel. Between that and the PS3 identical games I will be playing on my X360 ... I will be perfectly happy. Now, I know I will own a PS3 eventually. Probably next fall ... if MGS 4 ships on time. But why should I spend the money this X-mas with some much other amazing stuff to buy? There is just no reason. At least that's my humble opinion.
P.S. As to the Wii's power, it can output at 480P and do 16:9. It is estimated to be roughly 2x as powerful as an Xbox (about 60% the power of the Xbox 360). But I buy Nintendo systems, as someone else already said, for game play, not HDTV. Heck, I am re-playing through FFIX right now out of nostalgia. And it looks just fine on my 50 inch DLP. We, as game fanatics need to start looking at the over-all gaming experiences and telling the designers we want substance to our pretty pictures. Too many next gen games right now are all flash, no gameplay. Without the excess flash to fall back on, Wii designers have no choice but to focus on story, gameplay, and actual fun. I will take those any day over pretty pictures.