I didn't know the PS3 played games.
Your Fanboydem is fail.
Plus I have to watch movies on my PS3, because I can't hear them over the fan noise of my Xbox
I own both....and not to start an argument but the fan on my PS3 will also get loud when it is hot in the room. Does the SAME thing.
I'm sorry, but owning both systems, isn't really a good excuse, and it doesn't negate you from being "fanboy" in any way. As long as you have a preference for one system over another (and as it's clear in many of your posts in PS3 threads, that you prefer the 360), then you're a fanboy.

Just admit it. Be true to youself, you'll feel much better!
P.S. Not that anything's wrong with being a fanboy, provided that fanboys can keep their asanine comments to themselves.