Super Freak
Read dead is in 360 too
Dude, the genre doesn't matter, for that matter every PC exclusive is either a shooter or an RPG.
Amongst TPS you get from MGS (so far) to Uncharted, to Red Dead Redemption to the upcoming Last of us, they're all TPS but they're so different from each other, I'm pretty sure the only similarity is the shooting mechanics.
Granted PC has indie games, they still don't reach AAA quality, and if they roughly do, they're super short and lack substance, they're fun little experiences though.
any xbox one votes are troll votes
I'm a troll then.
But seriously I'll stick with Xbox. I don't care about TV stuff and at the end of the day they both play video games.
All of PC rts's say helloAlso so does Amnesia. Not all PC games are FPS and RPGs. The point I was trying to make is PC imo has a better selection of genres. That includes indie games, because I would gladly play some of those over some of these 60 dollar run of the mill games.
Metacritic means nothing when percentages are marginal % off. PC reviews also tend to be more harsh/expect more.
PC multiplats are always better, no exception really since community always finds ways to quickly fix things (Dark Souls).
Consoles do get more high-profile exclusives though. More exposure, more interesting titles. No arguing that really... PC exclusives are actually kind of niche these days.
But eh, when addictive stuff like Dota 2 is on PC, I don't mind. The International 3 (biggest Dota 2 tourney) has broken the record of most prize money in a video game tournament ever.
It should be noted that generally, there are just a whole lot more reviews for multiplatform games on consoles than there are for PC versions of those same games. There just aren't nearly as many review outlets that review multiplat games on pcs. So, that's mostly why you see higher aggregate scores for console versions than PC on places like metacritic.
I won't disagree though that AAA exclusives on PC are generally first-person, mmos, or tactical rpgs.
Well the average is calculated in the same way for both PC and consoles and to be fair PC reviews are only more demanding in terms of performance compared to consoles and they often deliver, still, consoles get better scores most times.
But technically speaking, PC games are always better, no question, that doesn't speak for the creative part of games though, but I guess that's subjective.
Yeah like I said, genre's mean nothing, CS and TF2 are very different as well.
Well I checked and more often than not they have the same amount of reviews, Bioshock infinite i.e. (which got a better rating for PC btw) has 33 reviews for 360, 27 on PS3 which work for 60 reviews on consoles and 68 reviews on PC.
You're both right though, there are many nitpicks and variables when it comes to metacritic but it does IMO put the big picture in perspective, still don't get me wrong, I don't have preferences, I love both my rig and my consoles.
The required 24 hour connection is beyond infuriating.
I think Sony will leave the used game purchase thing up to the publishers. Which means EA will continue to **** everyone.
Xbox seems more trouble than it's worth.
what do you mean you have to have a 24 hour internet connection to play games? what if your power goes out?
It's too early to say, I'm firmly against the XBox One right now since every bullet point MS released the other day was a restriction and not a feature. But the whole war on Used Games is squarely on the shoulders of EA, Ubisoft and Activision and other publishers who seem to think it's okay to flood the market with 4 hour games that need to sell millions of units to make a profit.
That being said Sony has been very quiet during this whole thing, yes when asked at the reveal back in February Sony gave in a round about way answers that seem to imply they won't be doing these kinds of things, but there is a chance the publishers will do it anyway.
The big decider for me is if with PS4 I still own my games then I'm going with Sony, this whole game licensing thing for XBox one is just infuriating if anything happens to the servers or to your internet for more then 24 hours the system becomes a giant paper weight...sorry it can watch Live TV and DVD Blue Ray.