I remember when D3 came out and the ****tiness of the always online. I don't think I was able to log into a server until 5am that day, because they were all ****. Now granted MMO's I see nothing wrong with always online, because well who wants to play an MMO offline?but the other games that require online checks is stupid. I know they do it to try and keep it from being pirated, people still find ways around it.
I have no issue with MMO's being online, but when they launch or their servers need maintenance the game becomes unplayable. With MMO's being what they are that's fine you accept there will be hiccups in the system. But it's just an example of when internet is required servers get jammed and you can't play, now were talking every game is going to be like that.
And yes on PC especially DRM is to stop pirates, it doesn't work all that well and in the case of some of the Assassins Creed games Ubisoft got flak because the servers were down and people who paid for the game couldn't play yet the pirates who stole the game were playing just fine. So it had the opposite effect.