Super Freak
Yes I subbed to his channel the other day. Great guy and talks sense.
as we're reaching the end life cycle of the current gen consoles, anyone notices that the xbox 360 hardly have any exclusives coming out? PS3 just had the Last of us released, and still got Beyond two souls and GT6 coming out.. the last Game that came out on the 360 that is exclusive is GoW 3 .. since that nothing ..
Because I'm not a conspiracy theorist or a cheap bastard I'm getting both.
Because I'm not a conspiracy theorist or a cheap bastard I'm getting both.
Because I'm not a conspiracy theorist or a cheap bastard I'm getting both.
Change your name.
It must be annoying to see someone with a very similar username. I don't think you can really do anything about it. But, at least you don't have it as bad, as everyone who has registered the name "batfan" on SSF.
Anyone going to get both consoles on release or planning on later on?
Anyone going to get both consoles on release or planning on later on?
I will get both eventually. I have always had all the consoles. I see no reason to break that tradition now. Only people on a budget or diehard fanboys pick only one.The latter being the worst.
The only thing any console could do to make me get it is make Metal Gear exclusive.
I would have bough a game cube if The Twin Snakes wasn't ***