Super Freak
The problems we see will still exist on the next consoles to some extent. This is mainly because developers are always going to be pushing what the hardware is capable of and making sacrifices to get the desired effect. They'll sacrifice 60 fps, or be willing to have some screen tearing or maybe even some pop up and weaker draw distance. Compromises are always made for priority things. Maybe it's a game where there's hundreds of characters on screen or the action is super fast or it's got a complex physics engine etc.
For example, CoD has one main priority that the developers never break. 60 fps. They can do anything they want in the games development as long as they can lock that fps. Most developers are willing to sacrifice 60 for a solid 30 if it means making the game look better. Better geometry, textures, physics etc..
Very true... and don't forget, they have to do all this at 1080P. That's another issue.
The problem is, right when graphics cards get uber fast and technically epic, the next high-resolution television is introduced. It never ends. 4K anyone?