PSN Down Indefinitely?

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Hackers can go to hell. No one cares about them, or their lame causes,

hackers, spammers and people who send out viruses should be executed by the government. l am sick of getting viruses, spam emails and everything else that comes with these stupid idiot losers. nothing is more of a headache then getting viruses out of no where and trying to get it fixed again. there should be zero tolerance for this kind of crap.
It's common sense they were targeted not only for Geohotz,(although i would bet my left 'squirrel snack' his situation was the final straw), but also for there policy of always suing there customers and being corporate ***** in general.

How does being a customer exempt you from being sued when you violate their terms of use?

Vortex said:
A part of me applauds the little people who take on the greedy elite who paralyze this world.

The only people I've been seeing paralyze this world as of late are the little people and those who 'represent' them.

That so-called greedy elite is what makes the world turn, and without them, we'd be living in a medieval hell ruled by very little people, and eagerly anticipating death at 30.
So I guess instead of getting an exclusive character for Mortal Kombat, the 360 gets the exclusive ability to play online? :lol

This is rather unfortunate for those just wanting to play and download their stuff. Stupid hackers ruining the fun for everyone. I mean if they had locked out the Playstation staff or something that would be one thing, but having the entire network shut down is just wrong.
people are speculating that when they bring it back it'll be a paid for service using additional security as the excuse
people are speculating that when they bring it back it'll be a paid for service using additional security as the excuse

Well, you gotta pay for Xbox live (well, Gold at least, but you can't even do Netflix on silver) so I guess it was only a matter of time :dunno
Nonsense. This has nothing to do with revenge for geo hotz or fighting for a cause.

These hackers are rebels without a cause.. They are just doing it for attention. And yes...They do not need to be identified in order to fulfill the craving for attention. Their appetite for attention is satiated when they pick up the newspaper and see the crap they've caused blot out the entire sky.

A large group of hackers have the decency to understand that hurting the innocent customers in the course of attacking Sony is a big no no. But there is a small bunch of people who do not appreciate that and have gone on to wage their war at our expense.
people are speculating that when they bring it back it'll be a paid for service using additional security as the excuse

This is what I'm also concerned about. On another note, as a result of the PSN shutdown, Sony is losing revenue on a daily basis, because users aren't able to access the PSN store to make purchases. Someone's going to have to "pay" for the mess, and I think that it's the consumers who'll most likely have to shoulder that burden :(.
everybody who says "OMG ITZ TEH HAKERZ" are just drinking Sony's koolaid. and if you take their word for anything, i have a bridge to sell you (with nasty DRM included). what Sony conveniently forgot to mention in their press release is they ingeniously made their PSN Store, multiplayer, and dev network all in one connection instead of separate dedicated networks. so when one has to be taken down for "maintenance"... all of them go down. which is exactly the kind of thing that happens at tech companies that are run from the top down by lawyers. incidentally, Microsoft was smart enough to not do that, which is why they don't have the same frequency of network outages.

tl;dr - Sony is having network issues due to lazy ____upery and media-hype buzzwords like "hackers" are a convenient scapegoat.
Having network issues doesn't change the fact of what they're dealing with from hacker snotbags pissy about not being able to use what Geohotz stole.
coincidence that it went offline just when the steam cross-platform functionality came in?

This is exactly what I thought! It's just too convenient considering they have been trying to press that crapass psn+
If it actually is hackers or not, they'll just use it as an excuse to start charging.
hackers, spammers and people who send out viruses should be executed by the government. l am sick of getting viruses, spam emails and everything else that comes with these stupid idiot losers. nothing is more of a headache then getting viruses out of no where and trying to get it fixed again. there should be zero tolerance for this kind of crap.

This:lecture Our first computer got ruined to the point it was cheaper to buy a new one because some ____ bag sent and email with a virus and my mom who didn't heed mine and my sister's warning of not to open emails you don't recognize.

So I guess instead of getting an exclusive character for Mortal Kombat, the 360 gets the exclusive ability to play online? :lol

But we still get Kratos and an extra stage that happens to have a stage Fatality that you can choose what pit you drop your victim into.
everybody who says "OMG ITZ TEH HAKERZ" are just drinking Sony's koolaid. and if you take their word for anything, i have a bridge to sell you (with nasty DRM included). what Sony conveniently forgot to mention in their press release is they ingeniously made their PSN Store, multiplayer, and dev network all in one connection instead of separate dedicated networks. so when one has to be taken down for "maintenance"... all of them go down. which is exactly the kind of thing that happens at tech companies that are run from the top down by lawyers. incidentally, Microsoft was smart enough to not do that, which is why they don't have the same frequency of network outages.

tl;dr - Sony is having network issues due to lazy ____upery and media-hype buzzwords like "hackers" are a convenient scapegoat.

Proof? :dunno
The proof is in the koolaid. :wink1:

Having network issues doesn't change the fact of what they're dealing with from hacker snotbags pissy about not being able to use what Geohotz stole.

For the sake of keeping things cool, I am not going to say anything other than I respectfully disagree with your reply to my previous post.

Regarding this post:
What did Geohotz "steal" exactly? He paid for the system therefore he should be able to do whatever he wants to it within the law. He wasn't selling pirated software. He wasn't hiding anything he was doing to his PS3, check his website. Did he boast. Yes. Is that against the law? No. His hobby is cracking tech. It is what he enjoys doing. Is it dangerous? Yes, because it may open the door for pirate's. However, does the internet not open many dangerous door's in itself? Should I sue the internet if I chose to do illegal things?

So many analogies have been thrown around in various tech forums. For example, what if you bought a car and the car maker sues you for installing a turbo charger on your car?

I will use one that applies to this hobby here. What if you want to modify or customize a figure that you paid for, but Hot Toys says "No, you cannot do that because you may suck at the craft and mess up our reputation."..and then sues you if you don't obey their wishes?

Worse yet, what if the movie studios come down on some of our fine customizers here because they are selling facsimile's of a product and profiting from a license they do not own?

Are customizers not selling pirated products on this very board?

I dunno, you tell me. It is a fine line.
They should at least put up a system where you can play online but not the psn store, and rebuild the network in their offices and unveil when its done, rather than have no system whatsoever while they work on it.

As for those saying its free and we shouldnt be compensated.... It isnt free, i payed around £250 for my online gaming as it came with the console, so its not free, its just not a subscription fee. And xbox live is covered in the cost of the console, as the basic silver membership where you can download DLC and games is accessible as standard, only the online play is payed for.

And i have to Lol at the xbox fanboys on various forums, how little they remember the RROD fiasco.

And for the thoughts on o"wning a product" vs "how you use that product", my opinion is if you are not making money off of modifying your devices to maximize their efficiiency and uses, then that is more of a public service than a company releasing a device with obvious un-tapped potential,

The jailbreak thing allow Ipod people to do more with thier ipod, same as and old friend of mine who modified his original xbox to play movies, (the movies were likely pirated) but if he backed up his DVDs to watch them on his Xbox, them that is not hurting microsoft or the DVD manufacturer as he has paid for both products.

Disney DVD's have copy-protection to stop pirates, but they are also stopping the people who BUY that dvd from copying it to their ipad or other portable devices, toure not buying the disc but the movie on it, and you should be able to use that movie wherever you like, if you have the means to do so, as long as your not making the movie available free of charge to others then there is nothing wrong.

I wanted to transfer an Album to my PS3 to listen to on my surround sound, but the files were DRM'd and can only be uses on apple hardware, so even though i paid for it i am RESTRICTED in my use of it, which is wrong, plain and simple WRONG!!!

And dont get me started on those un-skippanle anti-piracy adverts on DVD's that you have payed for, "guess what genius i could've gotten it five times cheaper in pirated form but i chose to pay you for it, so why the hell are you trying to call me a pirate".
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What did Geohotz "steal" exactly? ...I dunno, you tell me.

Gladly. Software is intellectual property. When you buy it, you agree to abide by terms of use. I believe all OS are protected, including the ones that people figure out how to crack.

On top of that, if someone does crack it, then dissimulates their public airing of that information as 'boasting', and hides behind their tutorial with disingenuous figleaves ("I don't condone using it") they're still guilty of what is known as accessory.

It's nothing like customizing a car. More like forging keys to other people's cars.

Vortex said:
It is a fine line.

Fine as a club, I'd say.