Psychophysiological Insomnia

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Matt S

Super Freak
CF Supporter
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Kerrville, Tx
This is the inability to sleep cause you are actually worried about sleep. I've had it now for about 2 years and its brutal.

Anyone hear ever have this specific issue? What did you do about it that actually worked?

Doing some research on this and it does give me some hope, but lack of sleep SUCKS!!!!!!! Even a good night sleep for me is about 6 hours - that's me sleeping in!
What is it about sleep that worries you? The demonic creatures under the bed? Because when they come. . .all the worrying in the world won't stop them.
My wife takes melatonin, works like a charm. Sonata also works but gave her lots of bad dreams.

Have you seen a doctor? What do they say?
I have a lot of trouble sleeping over stress, and sometimes I want to do so many things I cannot sleep because of it, I am so worried/excited about projects or things I am doing that I feel like a zombie wondering around without sleeping,

I also get nervous when going to Ebay and wanting to win something I was looking for, for a while now, I find it with a good Price, then when it comes time to sleep the worry that I won't win starts to make me anxious

some items you never see for sale, or you see for too much, so when I find one cheap, it starts to make me freak out,

so I do not have what you do, but I can feel your pain, I have spend my fair share of sleeplessness nights dizzy and tired and grumpy, it sucks :monkey2
Seriously though, I used to have trouble going to sleep. Now, I don't lay down until I'm tired and ready to conk out. So, I usually lay in bed awake a maximum of 5 minutes. My wife lays in bed for a couple of hours at night, and can never fall asleep when she wants to.
Maybe the person that diagnosed you with this could possible give you a better idea of how to treat it?!

This is the inability to sleep cause you are actually worried about sleep. I've had it now for about 2 years and its brutal.

Anyone hear ever have this specific issue? What did you do about it that actually worked?

Doing some research on this and it does give me some hope, but lack of sleep SUCKS!!!!!!! Even a good night sleep for me is about 6 hours - that's me sleeping in!
I haven't had a good nights sleep in over a decade. My problem stirs from back and neck pain though. IF I sleep over 6 hours I certainly wake up 10-15 times per night.

You need to somehow get yourself into a good routine, a habit of falling asleep at a certain time. A clear mind is a good start.
Have you ever tried listening to white noise while trying to go to sleep?

Coincidentally I was chatting with a colleague just yesterday about sleep when he brought this up... a device that generates white noise. He said it was similar to the sound a bathroom extraction fan makes but less invasive. He swears by it, he even got one for his kid.
You can accomplish the same thing by tuning in some static on the radio. There's also a website that I've used to tune out rude people who babbling on the phone around me.

Bookmarked, thanks :)

I used to plug myself into the BBC world service, but the constant stream of bad news started to get to me. Now I have my ipad by my bed and I plug myself into Stephen Fry's QI program. Works a treat. I also sleep with an eyemask, 'cause the missus likes the hallway to be lit for the kids, but neither of us wants our bedroom door closed.

I've had the pink noise on since I started this post, this could be a keeper.