Super Freak
This piece is gorgeous and bad *** all rolled up into one.
That's what she said.
This piece is gorgeous and bad *** all rolled up into one.
Don't forget the ridiculously good Zeck artwork. Honestly, if this Punisher PF was made exactly off Zeck's classic Punisher, I would have picked this up in a heartbeat. A Zeck based head sculpt, an accurate (love the cylinders on his belt) costume, and a MASSIVE Zeck body would have reeled me in for sure. Too many little things made this PF feel off for me personally. Hopefully the peeps that ordered this will be happy with the final result. It's certainly not a bad looking statue, it just wasn't for me and I am a HUGE Punisher fan.
Okay I was most likely not going to get this, BUT I FORSURE couldn't get it with these new pics. I am NOT KIDDING he LOOKS like my GRANFATHER when he was in his late 50s. I have pics of he and I when I was a baby and this PF looks SO MUCH LIKE HIM....lol
I dont know much about your grandad Spidey
but i can totally relate to what your saying...the facesculpt just doesnt fit the character imo hence why i couldnt get myself to PO him. Shame as i love the Punisher
Also may i say how fantastic it is to see you posting so much in the Marvel threads these days rather than staying hidden in the dark dungeons of the DC section...![]()
You guys do realize that ,if keeping with the origin of the Punisher, Frank Castle would be about 58 years old right now?
EDIT: sorry I should have said, "at minimum"
Go ahead, call Frank old to his face. I dare you!![]()
Face looks great to me. The stance looks the best from the front angle with his head turned to the side
Hey hey now, I'm just saying. He's not exactly supposed to be some 20 year old. I think the PF looks great and I like the fact that he has what I would I say is the look of a 40 year old about him.
Frank is a War vet, and a tough SOB. He's not supposed to be a pretty boy.
I'm glad I ordered this, to me it's a Updated version of the Classic look. Which I like.