QMX 1/6 Star Trek Beyond: Captain James T. Kirk

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Johnny Utah

A whole jolly club with jolly pirate nicknames!
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Jul 21, 2007
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Just posted by Nanjin on Facebook. YES! This will make seeing the new film even more exciting. I assume the sculpt is a placeholder since his hair is longer in Beyond.



Hope they do all of the new crew, especially Quinto Spock!
Re: QMX Star Trek Beyond: 1/6 Captain James T. Kirk

The costuming looks pretty good, but the likeness is a bit of a disappointment. What pricepoint are these aiming for?
Re: QMX Star Trek Beyond: 1/6 Captain James T. Kirk

Not feeling the sculpt on this one. Costume looks pretty good though.
Re: QMX Star Trek Beyond: 1/6 Captain James T. Kirk

Doesn't look much like Pine, to me. But then, I was never in any danger of buying this anyway.

Hope they improve the sculpt for the fans that do want it, though.
Re: QMX Star Trek Beyond: 1/6 Captain James T. Kirk

I'd rather have the movie version of original Kirk wearing the outfit from Wrath of Khan-Generations.
This was posted in the main ST QMX thread:
Nanjin also confirmed to me that the Star Trek Beyond Kirk's sculpt is only a placeholder. CBS only gave him 10 days to het the prototype done. He has the new sculpt at home, it will also come with his away jacket. Also, Quinto Spock is on the way too.
So not to worry, it's still a prototype, and dam that's pretty impressive of Nanjin to get it that far in only 10 days.
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Hmmm...I'm interested in all the qmx trek stuff now. Glad this is just a placeholder as I would like to get the Pine Kirk and Quinto Spock.
Wow. Awesome news, and Kirk looks like he'll turn out great. At the very least, I'd want Kirk, Spock, Bones and Scotty, but I'd love Uhura, Sulu and Chekov as well. Huge fan of the reboot films and I've been waiting a long time for figures from them.
I already have Nanjin's earlier version of Kirk and Spock, so I'll probably stick to those, but I'll definitely get Uhura if they make her.
I was pretty excited to see them making this one, I love the uniform update. But... The figure itself leaves a lot yo be desired. I'm glad it's just a prototype.
I really like both outfits that Kirk and Spock wore in Beyond. Hopefully the rescue party outfit is made as well as the original red star fleet duty uniform from TWOK as a accessories packs.
Yeah if Kirk comes with that cool survival jacket it would be an instant buy for me, but given the complexity of the design I have a feeling it may not be doable.
Fingers crossed for lots of Beyond figures - Bones, Uhura, Spock, Jaylah...