QMX Star Trek General discussion thread

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I'd be very surprised if we don't see, at least, Sonequa Martin-Green's character from Star Trek Discovery, and sooner rather than later.
Not sure I agree. She hasn't had a moment of screen time. Her character might be terrible. On top of that the series might tank. That's a big risk to take.
Whoops... I forgot all about "Discovery" in my $$ estimate! Yeah, that's another bunch of characters.
I'm guessing TOS and TNG will shoot for full bridge crews and DS9 and VOY will test the waters two characters at a time Sisko/Jadzia (DS9) Janeway/7of 9 (VOY), with remaining crew members coming on board based on sales and popularity. At least that's how I'd approach. Characters like Basheer, O'Brien, Paris and Neelix will be harder sells beyond harder core fans and completionists. I'm not factoring in Enterprise or Discovery at this point. While not bridge crew members, TOS may expand to include Nurse Chapel and Yeoman Rand, and TNG to include Guinan, Tasha Yar and Ensign Ro.

I'd also like to see QMx branch out into more iconic aliens TOS - Khan, Gorn, Salt Monster, Andorian, Orion Slave Girl; TNG - Q, Borg, Dathon, Romulan; DS9 - Gul Dukat, Weyoun, Jem Hadar, Gowron, Martok; VOY--ummm, maybe the Borg Queen.

And we can't forget the movies -- from the TOS movies I'm really only interested in Khan but certainly would pick up more crew members, Kruge, etc. From New Trek, I'd like to see Bones, Uhura, Scotty, Sulu, Chekov and maybe Carol Marcus. Nero, Khan and Jaylah.

While this seems like a ton of figures, consider what Hot Toys & Sideshow have done with Star Wars. Trek is a huge potential license with a deep catalog of characters. They've been able to sell tons action figures and other merchandise for decades, they just haven't been able to crack the 1:6 figure market. Hopefully this will change that.
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Hmm maybe as they head down the scale they could produce just uniforms and head sculpts for the lesser characters, possibly one accessory. It's tricky. I can imagine most of the TOS main crew doing OK and the TNG main crew too but Chapel, Rand, Geordi, Troi, Crushers, Barclay, Ro etc might have significantly less mass appeal. Kirk, Spock, Picard, and Data probably represent the high point for them.
Ive thought of that too as a way to switch up the business model- sell figures like cars: charge more for extra sculits or accessories.

Akin to that would be just selling parts. Problem with just heads and uniforms is that the tailoring will vary depending on what body the consumer uses. Also i think you would see recasted versions on ebay in about a week. My .02.
It all becomes a numbers game but decent uniforms are probably the hardest to come by so selling heads with uniforms assists recast issues. I think I've spotted a Spock recast out there during my browsing though so it is still an issue.
See...I hope they shoot their loads early. How many lines have we seen where they try to put too much variety too early and then we're missing main characters? I remember DST/Art Asylum's Battlestar Galactica figures where we never got a planned Gaius Balter or Laura Roslin and we only got Adama as an TRU exclusive, same thing with Boomer/Athena. They went pilot and Cylon variant heavy the first 3 waves and left out many of the main characters. They didn't finish the final 5 either(although I know they made a couple of their heads and such and never released them).

That same company went deep on Original series and next generation....and only finished half of DS9 and didn't do any of Voyager.

What I'm saying is, the sixth market is too unpredictable. It's fine to take chances but....finish your main cast. In other words, do Uhura before the Salt Vampire. Please. etc.
Lol, I was thinking more do Beverly before Worf but I take your point! I have to be ruthless because I won't have room for anything other than tos and even then I'm tempted to get custom TMP uniforms along with Decker and Ilia.
2 figures from last SDCC have been released over all of their properties. At this rate anything soon this coming week will be out 2019 2020
2 figures from last SDCC have been released over all of their properties. At this rate anything soon this coming week will be out 2019 2020

I'd be willing to bet we get at least 2 more figures released before the year is out. I'd even wager we get some kind of exclusive that is only available for a limited time. Remember, QMX doesn't usually put up a preorder until their items are almost ready to ship. Bones and Picard both went up and were ready only about 2 months after the fact. I expect if they really have that many characters with finished prototypes, we could be looking at anywhere between 2-4 more releases this year. I hope. :)
I assume we'll get at least one of the following this year: Data, Worf, Scotty, and/or movie Kirk and Spock.
Some of Nanjin's recent posts imply that there is some resistance from Qmx to go too deep into the franchise. Sisko was mentioned. I suppose they can be won over if the sales are solid but it's disheartening to hear that they aren't quite so enthusiastic as he is!
Well, you can hardly blame them. The financial burden is entirely on QMX to manufacture these things, despite Nanjin's enthusiasm, and if they don't sell, the incentive to keep going dwindles. Aside from specific fan-favorite characters from each series, the popularity of each show diminished with each successive series. By the time Enterprise rolled around most viewers (and by that I mean life-long Trek fans) had gotten pretty bored with the over-saturation of all things Trek (and this coming from a Trek fan born in the sixties). (Much the same way I fear Disney will do to Star Wars). Aside from TOS original crew (all 7 would be nice, but sadly, it wouldn't surprise me if they are reluctant to do Chekhov and maybe even Uhura), and possibly a good portion of the main crew of TNG (even that is pure speculation), all the remaining shows could come down to just 1-3 specific characters (Voyager for example could be just Seven of Nine, or Janeway and Seven - and possibly one of 3 alternates: Tuvok, the Doctor or Torres -- none of the other characters on that show were really all that interesting, except maybe Neelix). A collector would have a serious amount of money invested in these things depending on how deep QMX went, and fan interest, not to mention money, would start to be diverted elsewhere. Me, personally, I want all the original TOS crew, and aside from Picard (which I have, more so because I've been a fan of Patrick Stewart long before he was on TNG), and maybe Data (if he looks better then the not-so-great prototype we've seen so far); after that, there's only a small handful of characters left I would actually buy. Now, if they were to go deep into TOS (like aliens, etc) I'd be all-in.

(I wish they'd finish up the Firefly crew, dammit.)
Oh man!!! A bridge diorama would of been so cool to show the figures in. Even better if they planned on selling them.
I looked at the dimensions for a 1/6 TMP bridge and four feet sounds about right for TOS. Well, it may be that it will be saved for next year after they have released more figures...?

I was thinking of maybe trying to get the bridge 3d printed one section at a time but it's a bit beyond me to work out where to start. A diorama is a definite goal though. These figures deserve it!