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I guess I'm one of the rare people that fall into that super rare "group 4". I love all things Trek. I grew up on TOS reruns, then all things TNG and beyond. I really like the Kelvin timeline movies and am a huge fan of Discovery. My biggest love of all is the TOS movie era but my favorite show is Voyager. Sooo I want figures made from all eras. I have my favorite character checklist that I would love to see in 1/6 but I am sure some of them will probably be long shots at best, so I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride of what they do make. Nanjin Tam and his crew deserve a lot of credit. They are making dreams come true for collectors.
I guess I'm one of the rare people that fall into that super rare "group 4". I love all things Trek. I grew up on TOS reruns, then all things TNG and beyond. I really like the Kelvin timeline movies and am a huge fan of Discovery. My biggest love of all is the TOS movie era but my favorite show is Voyager. Sooo I want figures made from all eras. I have my favorite character checklist that I would love to see in 1/6 but I am sure some of them will probably be long shots at best, so I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride of what they do make. Nanjin Tam and his crew deserve a lot of credit. They are making dreams come true for collectors.
We are in the same group. I like all Trek. [emoji4] I dont even mind comedy or horror series in trekverse

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I segmented Trek into 3 major groups:
1) TOS/TNG (35+)
2) DS9, VOY, ENT (25~40)
3) KTL, DISCO (all age)

I'm a hybrid of group 1 and group 2. I love TOS but it wasn't my original Trek mostly just caught the tail end of the movie era as they were coming out as a kid in the 80s. But in my teens, I really became a Trek fan during TNG in the early 90s, and continued with DS9 and Voyager. I'm pretty much interested in all releases from the Next Gen era, and then maybe pick and choose a few here and there from TOS, Enterprise, Discovery, KTL, etc.
That age/group thing is shockingly accurate lol. I'm also in between 1 and 2. I'm 36 but am married with a small child and lots of budgeting and financial issues. I can do figures but I have to carefully plan almost every one like I'm buying a new car lol and I usually can only get them on payment plans. Only time I can pay full price is if there's a sale, I have a bunch of rewards, I have income tax or gift money etc. Sideshow probably both hates and loves me. I but a lot but I do a lot of juggling on my payment plans to get what I want.

My Khan will be here Monday.

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Oh and I forgot to mention I'm down for some Kelvin too. At least Kirk and Spock if nothing else. I'd get Uhura too as I'd love a sixth scale Zoe Saldana who isn't green lol

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Definitely group 2 here, but TOS is where my heart is because of my parents (despite my father preferring TNG). I might even skip lunch here and there for it. :rotfl

My mom would watch it in Germany on a tiny TV in her attic growing up. The travel, mystery, and adventure of the series is what she loved. Dad grew up in the US and would watch it (being 10 years older) for the science and social commentary. I always found it so fascinating that the same series elicited such a different response from two people countries apart.

Now as a scientist myself I love the predictions and forward thought regarding everything the show clearly had for the time, and just how much ingenuity and creativity it brought. So I sort of get to enjoy both of their halves together as a result.
Trek is actually influencing the future of mankind. As we all know, there are significant numbers of scientists were inspired by Trek. NASA is an example. Space, the final frontier is lead by NASA.

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I'm a hybrid of group 1 and group 2. I love TOS but it wasn't my original Trek mostly just caught the tail end of the movie era as they were coming out as a kid in the 80s. But in my teens, I really became a Trek fan during TNG in the early 90s, and continued with DS9 and Voyager. I'm pretty much interested in all releases from the Next Gen era, and then maybe pick and choose a few here and there from TOS, Enterprise, Discovery, KTL, etc.
“Pick a few here and there.” Is my expected target markets consumption behavior.

You will be in the happiest group of 1/6 Trek collectors.

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That age/group thing is shockingly accurate lol. I'm also in between 1 and 2. I'm 36 but am married with a small child and lots of budgeting and financial issues. I can do figures but I have to carefully plan almost every one like I'm buying a new car lol and I usually can only get them on payment plans. Only time I can pay full price is if there's a sale, I have a bunch of rewards, I have income tax or gift money etc. Sideshow probably both hates and loves me. I but a lot but I do a lot of juggling on my payment plans to get what I want.

My Khan will be here Monday.

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Shocking accurate? I dont think anyone on my end would agree with you [emoji23]

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From my observation and understanding of my Voyager friends, a lot of the Male fans like Janeway.

Possible Reasons? Look at the divorce rates in the US in Voyager era. Most of these Male Voyagers fans grew up in a single family, and among this group of fans, majority were bought up by a single mom.

Our childhood still influencing on what we do now.

I hope these Trek figures can one day help the friends remembering certain imagine from their childhood, so their long forgotten self can be waken, remembering who they wanted to be when they were young.

I did. I remembered who I was, and how I am not, and why.

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That age/group thing is shockingly accurate lol. I'm also in between 1 and 2. I'm 36 but am married with a small child and lots of budgeting and financial issues. I can do figures but I have to carefully plan almost every one like I'm buying a new car lol and I usually can only get them on payment plans. Only time I can pay full price is if there's a sale, I have a bunch of rewards, I have income tax or gift money etc. Sideshow probably both hates and loves me. I but a lot but I do a lot of juggling on my payment plans to get what I want.

My Khan will be here Monday.

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I understand your issues well (target market demographics and decision making concern).

I am matching different productions to match up with each of these group's consumption restraits . Whether office will accept my findings is another story. Because I am only a production dude. Most people believe I have very little business sense.

BTW, I remember my marketing 101 class back in college called you the “educated consumer”. The most difficult group to manage. In gambling business (my previous work), I would say you actually enjoy doing what you said, and when you find a deal, you climaxed. Finding a deal, can be a very rewarding “feelings” for you, not necessary the item bought [emoji23]

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Age-wise I fit in Group 1, but I love pretty much all Trek except VOY and ENT, as the writing was just far too cheesy and generic for my taste. So I don't anticipate getting many figures from those, other than perhaps T'Pol because she had such a great look.
I guess I'm one of the rare people that fall into that super rare "group 4". I love all things Trek. I grew up on TOS reruns, then all things TNG and beyond. I really like the Kelvin timeline movies and am a huge fan of Discovery. My biggest love of all is the TOS movie era but my favorite show is Voyager. Sooo I want figures made from all eras. I have my favorite character checklist that I would love to see in 1/6 but I am sure some of them will probably be long shots at best, so I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride of what they do make. Nanjin Tam and his crew deserve a lot of credit. They are making dreams come true for collectors.

This is me too. Grew up on TOS reruns...anticipated and watched TNG's premiere as a child on its first night, and have not missed a Star Trek show or movie since and LOVE them all! Deep Space Nine has always been my personal favorite and I was skeptical about Discovery from the trailers and early information and decided that I would not watch it. I caved and decided to give it a try and am glad I did because it simply continues the amazing legacy of high quality entertainment that has come from Star Trek!
I'm 36, I fall into the TNG and DS9 categories of what I'd be most interested in. Although TWOK Kirk/Spock/Kahn may tempt me very much.
I would say you actually enjoy doing what you said, and when you find a deal, you climaxed. Finding a deal, can be a very rewarding “feelings” for you, not necessary the item bought [emoji23]

This pretty much describes why I purchased the half-price TOS captains chair on Thinkgeek even though the figure who'll be sitting in it (Picard) is from a completely era.
I fall into Group 1, TOS all the way. I am a child of the Star Trek, Lost in Space, and Batman years.
Hello folks, I had a wonderful time talking with you guys.

I dont belong in this post, so I will leave.

Feel free to visit me on FB or PM me if you have some abnotmal issues with the products received.

Take care [emoji868]

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