QMX Star Trek General discussion thread

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I just got Sulu. Here is my mini review:

I don’t want to say there’s two sculpts floating around out there, I believe I have the same sculpt as everyone else, having said that, the pictures I just took, I think he looks great (no, my photo taking abilities suck, but the sculpt looks great). Sulu’s going to look great with the whole crew all gathered around the Captains chair. I think it’s good that all of the sculpts have a somewhat different expressions on their faces. And I do not feel that his expression is too exaggerated, at least not on the one that I have in hand.

Yes, I acknowledge that the top part of both eyebrows comes to too much of a direct point, one day I will hire a painter just to take shall we say “take the edge” off of that point. Absolutely no other complaints of any form.

Seriously, we are lucky to have Nanjin, someone who actually cares about honoring TOS, and finally allowing us all to have, what we’ve always wanted to have ever since many of us first saw the Mego figures, which is a complete TOS crew in high quality, and we are finally getting it.

Thanks again Nanjin!!!

P.S. QMX, good job working with Nanjin, It actually does matter to us collectors that people who are real artists and producers of this product are shown respect by the parent companies, and again QMX, we all appreciate it. Thank you [emoji1303]



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I have not had mine with the other TOS figures I have yet. Is he shorter than the rest?
Man, these latest pictures look very Ken dollish. It looks soft, little detail. Even looks like the pock marks that were visible on the original sculpt are gone.

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I’ll be pulling those out of storage later in the week.

Could someone else here put a pic or two of the current releases of TOS figures together ... please

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Man, these latest pictures look very Ken dollish. It looks soft, little detail. Even looks like the pock marks that were visible on the original sculpt are gone.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say "Ken-dollish", but it does look like one of the "softest" QMX sculpts I've seen. Kind of odd, since they always seemed to exaggerate the features (Spock and McCoy's "lumpy" sculpts)...
Looks good. Might be able to tease the point off the eyebrow with a pointy modelling tool but I will probably just accentuate his philtrum a bit more with some citadel shade paints. The ink washes are subtle enough that any alteration doesn't glare out and they're easy to clean off with water or shape with a toothpick.
Those pointy eyebrows are so hard to look past. If anyone takes the point off and rounds them a bit, please post some pictures.

Some observations. Sulu is in some ways the best they have released to date in that he is on a lanky body that suits him. McCoy should be on that body and hopefully I might get one to fix him if I fix his height. Sulu is the shortest of course. McCoy with this body looks best with his medical smock because it hangs loose. Kirk still is number one head sculpt and IMO Scotty looks the weakest. Happy with them all and I hope Uhura arrives soon to break up the sausage party. This is like finding my Mego Trek figures under the Christmas tree in the early 70s
Thanks for the pics dude!
It's pretty cool to see them all together.
But I do have to say... you suck at posing! :lol

So far, I think McCoy is the weakest of the bunch. I hope to have Sulu and Scotty in hand soon to see for myself.
I was in a hurry as the wife left for a little while. She rolls her eyes if Im not out cutting the grass or something
Sulu's smile still looks a bit weird and out of place to me there, especially in that last shot. But then all the sculpts besides Kirk and Khan have issues of one kind or another.
I was in a hurry as the wife left for a little while. She rolls her eyes if Im not out cutting the grass or something

I know the feeling!
Last time my girlfriend caught me posing figures for a photo shoot the just raised an eyebrow and asked "what the hell are you doing"? :lol

Some observations. Sulu is in some ways the best they have released to date in that he is on a lanky body that suits him. McCoy should be on that body and hopefully I might get one to fix him if I fix his height. Sulu is the shortest of course. McCoy with this body looks best with his medical smock because it hangs loose. Kirk still is number one head sculpt and IMO Scotty looks the weakest. Happy with them all and I hope Uhura arrives soon to break up the sausage party. This is like finding my Mego Trek figures under the Christmas tree in the early 70s

Sulu looks really good in these images. I'm looking forward to getting him whenever Sideshow starts shipping him in the next few months. I'm still stunned he sold out from the QMx website in minutes. He literally vanished as fast as he did in the Squire of Gothos episode. ;)
But I do have to say... you suck at posing! :lol
I do too, and I recognize this, but I have no idea how to make it better. Is there any advice you could give?
Like I have a hard time balancing them just so that they keep standing. Any pose differently than straight up gets them off balance. There is someone on Facebook who does a wonderful job of posing all kind of different Ben Browder characters and they always look so life-like and in mid motion, pointing and running and climbing. I have no idea how she does it, especially with so many in one shot. If one topples, all the others go with them in mine. Like dominos ;)

I can't even get the Trek figures arms straight down at the sides, they always seem to stick off at an odd angle. Did I do something weird to their shoulder joints that should be fixed, or is that just the way they are? Obviously, I don't want to break anything in trying too hard.

I just can't get myself to like that Sulu head, no matter how much I'd like to. It's not awful or anything, it just doesn't make the cut compared against the others. Hell, it doesn't even make the cut against the original version of itself. Maybe if I'd never seen that, and hadn't been looking forward to that this wouldn't feel like such a disappointment to me, but I just can't shake the fact that that is exactly how I feel every time I look at this release.

Oh well, given that I wasn't overly impressed by the Uhura sculpt so far either I think I shall just have to stick to the traditional away team of Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty for my display and leave it at that. After all I'd rather stay very happy and satisfied with just those four, rather than feeling conflicted and middling towards a whole crew display. I'll just wait for those long promised TNG figures to arrive instead...hopefully enough of them to at least create an away team display for them as well.

Thanks for the pics all the same, though. :)
I do too, and I recognize this, but I have no idea how to make it better. Is there any advice you could give?
Like I have a hard time balancing them just so that they keep standing. Any pose differently than straight up gets them off balance. There is someone on Facebook who does a wonderful job of posing all kind of different Ben Browder characters and they always look so life-like and in mid motion, pointing and running and climbing. I have no idea how she does it, especially with so many in one shot. If one topples, all the others go with them in mine. Like dominos ;)

I can't even get the Trek figures arms straight down at the sides, they always seem to stick off at an odd angle. Did I do something weird to their shoulder joints that should be fixed, or is that just the way they are? Obviously, I don't want to break anything in trying too hard.
I think that, further down the line, the best way will be a bridge set with holes in for the stands. Nothing worse than an ankle giving way and knocking everyone else over. Sulu probably needs to be posed with some plants to explain his smile. Or maybe Ilia...