QMX Star Trek General discussion thread

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Definite sarcasm I think the EXACT opposite of all of that...but I truly do believe that everything I wrote here is running through the minds of the ?I hate ?woke? trek? crowd. I must have done a really good job of nailing it to throw off your sarcasm detector :)

Yeah, sorry, this has gone back and forth so much... :rotfl

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for anyone whos interested in listening to two guys who actually love these properties and hate what they have become like a lot of us.


we dont hate on this stuff for fun, we just call it like it is and dont support garbage because we actually care about these franchises and want to see them made by people who actually give a **** again. if i have to read about someone loving something thats crap then i can say how something thats crap, is crap. its called free speech.

Star Trek Discovery was the most popular streamed show in the world at one point and Star Trek Picard also broke streaming records so I'm not clear on how you're measuring their success. They also seem to have quite decent ratings on Rotten Tomatoes too. Be careful that you don't end up in an echo chamber full of middle-aged men from certain countries with certain political views. You might not be getting a very balanced view. IDIC.

I applaud anything that raises the profile of the franchise and encourages young people to go back and enjoy the earlier shows so that they too can decide which one is their favourite. I have friends who were not Star Trek fans who enjoy these new shows. They never ranted about how awful were the earlier Treks, they just didn't watch. And now they do.

They also think I'm nuts to spend ?200 on an action figure, so what do they know?
I think particular reasons for liking particular parts of the franchise aside, it does demonstrate the difficulties for the 1/6 market. Only a small proportion of fans are into figures and within that small proportion, they don't all like the same things. Dammit.

For me it's an issue of space. I had to pick one and TOS was underway.
Mego Kirk.JPG

Perhaps back to some more important topics...

1. Really loved my Mego Trek figures. Played the hell out of them.
2. Thoughts on the sculpting and likeness? You can definitely recognize him and he does seem happy.
3. Uniform was a bit droopy but you for sure knew what side he was on (compared to the Klingon's anyway.)
4. Never a big fan of the Infantry Blue Phaser and Communicator. Some hidden meaning here??? Or just a strange color so little kids can find it in the sand?
5. Bet a minty one of these guys blows a QMX Kirk out of the water!

Hopefully not killing this thread with an old Mego.
View attachment 486094

Perhaps back to some more important topics...

1. Really loved my Mego Trek figures. Played the hell out of them.
2. Thoughts on the sculpting and likeness? You can definitely recognize him and he does seem happy.
3. Uniform was a bit droopy but you for sure knew what side he was on (compared to the Klingon's anyway.)
4. Never a big fan of the Infantry Blue Phaser and Communicator. Some hidden meaning here??? Or just a strange color so little kids can find it in the sand?
5. Bet a minty one of these guys blows a QMX Kirk out of the water!

Hopefully not killing this thread with an old Mego.

Mego certainly went further and deeper than most Trek lines apart from maybe Playmates. I suppose the relatively cheap price is a plus for general play as well as collectors. Part of Trek's problem is that a bunch of dudes in sweatshirts are not as engaging as the visually exciting armoured characters from Star Wars or Avengers. The villains are more abstract (the Borg are popular for a reason). I think it has been harder to gain traction.

Even the TMP Mego figures tried to jazz the line-up with aliens who barely appeared instead of our beloved crew. What are kids going to do with one Klingon? I used to use cylons, ovions, the Imperious Leader, and the Empire Strikes Back bounty hunters for my game play.
for anyone whos interested in listening to two guys who actually love these properties and hate what they have become like a lot of us.


we dont hate on this stuff for fun, we just call it like it is and dont support garbage because we actually care about these franchises and want to see them made by people who actually give a **** again. if i have to read about someone loving something thats crap then i can say how something thats crap, is crap. its called free speech.

Exactly right. But as is so typical, there are personal attacks and attempts at ridicule if you call out their beloved crap. Don’t you get that Star Trek needs to be an in-your-face vehicle for the space-woke, “you unwoke hick!?”
Exactly right. But as is so typical, there are personal attacks and attempts at ridicule if you call out their beloved crap. Don’t you get that Star Trek needs to be an in-your-face vehicle for the space-woke, “you unwoke hick!?”

I think that there are many many things in which to poke holes as far as every iteration of Trek goes. I love TMP but many fans criticise it for perfectly valid reasons. Good sci fi works on multiple levels: entertaining, allegorical, intelligent, exciting and not everyone gets something from each of those parts every time but it shouldn't be for any of us to tell them they're enjoying it wrong. I dislike bundling up criticisms in a buzzword like 'woke'. It tells me nothing about what you would prefer to see instead. It gives me nothing to engage with. I enjoy the Enterprise Incident even though it's hilariously sexist and has plot holes you could drive the fleet through. Is that woke or not? I have no idea.

Now there's a great 1/6 villain I wish we'd got. I recommend watching the sequel to the episode in Star Trek continues as well. The actress's daughter reprises the role and she's great!
Yeah I'm perfectly fine dissecting and nitpicking the many plot holes in a Trek series, but it seems like most of their outrage simply stems from a hatred of any kind of liberal or progressive politics. Which just seems really bizarre for a super liberal franchise like Trek.
Yeah I'm perfectly fine dissecting and nitpicking the many plot holes in a Trek series, but it seems like most of their outrage simply stems from a hatred of any kind of liberal or progressive politics. Which just seems really bizarre for a super liberal franchise like Trek.

Have you seen the episodes of TOS on Facebook made with QMX figures and Barbie Uhura? That's the real future of Trek! Let's make some use of that judo chop hand.
Yeah, i thought that would be the case. Barbies are ridiculously thin. I don't really want to pay that much just for the head.
...it seems like most of their outrage simply stems from a hatred of any kind of liberal or progressive politics. Which just seems really bizarre for a super liberal franchise like Trek.

I love the above! Thank you! Perfect summation of what is wrong with today’s Trek apparatus made up of the Pied Pipers of Hollywood and their stupefied disciples!

In other words, what the above is saying is that it just seems really bizarre (and cannot be fathomed) that a Star Trek fan would criticize liberal progressive politics because anybody knows anyone who is a Trek fan ought to be as a matter of course a ‘super liberal,’ because that’s exactly what Trek has been and always shall be for the glory of wokeness. And in other words still, ‘how can you be a Trekkie if you’re not a super liberal?’ What nonsense! But again, so so so predictable. Also known as living in the echo chamber largely created and presided over by those arrogant giants in the media and Hollywood and the lemmings who are following them right off the proverbial franchise cliff. This begs the questions that are right up there with how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop: how long does one remain “woke” while falling? Is it like in a dream where you awaken from wokeness right before you hit the ground? Is there a brief and quiet delay as one finds oneself off the edge before one actually starts to fall, as in the WB Coyote? Does one open an umbrella over one’s head after one has hit the ground? The world may never know.