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Nanjin, do you have a recommendation for a replacement lower leg for the OG Kirk? I realized a few months ago that mine has two of the same shins and I'd like to swap out the wrong one.
Really? I wonder if mine has the same. I never can get him to stand straight, he always leans to one side.Nanjin, do you have a recommendation for a replacement lower leg for the OG Kirk? I realized a few months ago that mine has two of the same shins and I'd like to swap out the wrong one.
Man I have a photo somewhere on my phone with the pant rolled up and the boot unzipped but that was a long while ago that I took it. But sure enough, the slight curvature of one shin faces out, not inward. Definitely two of the same. I think if I recall correct mine is the left leg.Really? I wonder if mine has the same. I never can get him to stand straight, he always leans to one side.
It might be here the wrong thread but I wonder whether on the USS Enterprise - TOS - there was only 1 commander - Spock - or several commanders. I know that there is Finney and there is Giotto but both are referred to as lieutenant commanders, so their two braids on their sleevers are an error of the costume department.
Anyway, here and there there is a 2 stripes officier to be seen in the TOS, in the briefing room or so. So was there only Spock as "the" commander or is it possible that the starship had more commanders, 1 for the yellow shirts and 1 for the red shirts, sometimes seen in the background but never named?
I just gave the episode ?*Devil in the Dark*? another , closer look. Kirk addresses his head of security 3 times ?*commander Giotto*? and only 1 time, the last time ?*lieutenant commander Giotto*?. Together with the 2 full braids on his sleeves he is obviously a full commander. So his rank braids are not an error.
Lt commanders are often referred to as simply commander unless in the presence of a full commander. Look at Spock in season one!
Okay, and that makes the 2 full braids on Giotto’s sleeves erroneous? Only because Kirk says once Lieutenant commander to Giotto? And if that was a mishap?
As with Admiral, Vice-Admiral, Rear-Admiral, General, Lieutenant-General, Major-General, Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel, they are verbally addressed as Admiral, General or Colonel.
Okay, and that makes the 2 full braids on Giotto?s sleeves erroneous? Only because Kirk says once Lieutenant commander to Giotto? And if that was a mishap?
And being a full commander Giotto would outrank Scotty although he is head of engineering and most probably eminently more important to the ship than the security department. No Scotty: no warp...
In a common mistake made on costume insignia during TOS Season 1, Giotto was referred to as "lieutenant commander," yet wore the braid of a full commander. This mistake was also made on Spock and Benjamin Finney's uniforms.
Giotto was referred to as "lieutenant commander" but wore a full commander's sleeve insignia on his uniform, apparently a common practice as he did so around the same time period that Spock and Ben Finney wore commander rank insignia during their tenures as lieutenant commanders.
Most likely an error not caught in the script or by the costume department.
The Memory Alpha site has two pages for Giotto. On one they call it as an error, and in the other rationalise it as a common practice. The former makes more sense, or else he's borrowed a uniform he's not qualified to wear.
A lieutenant-commander would be verbally addressed as 'commander', but it would be incongruous for a commander to be addressed as 'lieutenant-commander'.
Therefore, Giotto was most likely meant to have been a lieutenant-commander, but the costume department messed up, or the script was inconsistent.
The real dilemma comes when you are making your action figures. Do you go for screen accurate knowing it's wrong?
you are right, when it comes to making your own action figures in case you are not satisfied with owing only a small portion of the Enterprise gang. That is a real issue! I tend to follow logic, that is lt cdr for Giotto.
BTW It is hard to accept that there is a red shirt being a superior to Scotty.
In my opinion there is only 1 commander on the TOS Enterprise, Spock. Alle the other heads of department like Dr McCoy, Scott ... are lt cdrs.
I realize that logic and cinematographic reality of TOS are sometimes 2 different things. never forget that it was a cheap exotic show with a low budget. Episodes had to be filmed within a tight time schedule, so mishaps - in script, prop and costume department ... - could happen.
I always prefer screen plausible to screen accurate. If I decide to go for white medical uniforms for McCoy and Chapel, I'd prefer to have a standard delta rather than a medical cadeceus, even though none of the white uniforms on screen had the delta.
Damn, I'm such a mediocre Star Trek fan, I had to look up who the hell "Commander" Giotto was...