QMX Star Trek General discussion thread

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Can't wait, the red shirt is badly needed.
Though I don't have any plans to 'bash a red shirt ensign, I think the red shirt he wears will make for a much more aesthetically vibrant display next to Kirk, Spock, and Bones. And he is 3rd in command, and a very likable character who got a lot of attention on the show. So, gotta pick him up. And honestly, I'm alright if that is it for the line, though Uhura and Sulu would be buys if they were made.
Luke warm sales will be what kills this line and ensures the rest of the crew won’t be made — just saying. If you don’t buy Scotty — the likelihood of Sulu diminishes. Same for the rest. The chances of Chekov if folks don’t get Sulu and Uhura means we’ll still end up without the full crew. I don’t care how it will look on a shelf, I want everyone I can get. It will definitely piss me off if we don’t get more past Scotty, but it is what it is.
Yeah I'm leaning much more towards getting him now, since it feels like these may be the last Trek figures we get for awhile. Back when we were expecting a lot more characters, from a variety of different series and movies, I thought I'd need to be a lot choosier in which ones I get... but looks like that's not really an issue now.

I'd still like to at least see Crawford's review first though, since he always seems to be the first to get these QMX figures.
Luke warm sales will be what kills this line and ensures the rest of the crew won’t be made — just saying. If you don’t buy Scotty — the likelihood of Sulu diminishes. Same for the rest. The chances of Chekov if folks don’t get Sulu and Uhura means we’ll still end up without the full crew. I don’t care how it will look on a shelf, I want everyone I can get. It will definitely piss me off if we don’t get more past Scotty, but it is what it is.

Agreed. We should support the line. Nanjin developed all of those figures, they have his passion, professionalism, integrity, and magic touch on them. I will get all of them that he developed for sure:

Scotty, Sulu and Uhura ...

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The line has seemed to be in trouble for a while so I’m sort of not surprised. Seems like news really slowed down other than the announcement of Scotty. I wouldn’t be surprised if this line is over at least with QMX. It’s a shame as they’re nice figures (though I only own Picard).
Guys get Scotty!

Anything after Scotty from QMX would be
a bonus but then question is will the quality
suffer without “Tam?”

Kind of like Can Trek be what it is
without Roddenberry ?
Luke warm sales will be what kills this line and ensures the rest of the crew won’t be made — just saying. If you don’t buy Scotty — the likelihood of Sulu diminishes. Same for the rest. The chances of Chekov if folks don’t get Sulu and Uhura means we’ll still end up without the full crew. I don’t care how it will look on a shelf, I want everyone I can get. It will definitely piss me off if we don’t get more past Scotty, but it is what it is.

This is a good posting...looks like the pain meds wore off :)...I could not agree more with this sentiment...I would much prefer to have random TOS crew members on my shelf than one more Hawkeye or Iron Man figure that costs $100 more than the Trek figure too.
No way I'd pass on Scotty, he's too important and iconic a character not to get. And if you are going to have a 'part crew' display, I think you can get by with just Kirk and Spock, with Kirk, Spock and McCoy, or with Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty, depending on your preference, with each combination working as a good visual representation of the show. Go beyond those four characters, though, and to me it actually starts to feel more and more incomplete unless you have all three of Uhura, Sulu and Chekov together. Rather than looking like a set of the lead characters, or as a selective representation of the show, it starts to look like an incomplete crew if you don't have all three key supporting characters together, but instead only have one or two of them. In my eyes at least.

So as a result, I'll be buying Scotty, be happy to have the four top tier characters on my shelf, and be satisfied by that, and basically consider the line done. If any others do come out, that's where the real quandary begins as far as I'm concerned. But for me, buying Scotty is a no brainer.
No way I'd pass on Scotty, he's too important and iconic a character not to get. And if you are going to have a 'part crew' display, I think you can get by with just Kirk and Spock, with Kirk, Spock and McCoy, or with Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty, depending on your preference, with each combination working as a good visual representation of the show. Go beyond those four characters, though, and to me it actually starts to feel more and more incomplete unless you have all three of Uhura, Sulu and Chekov together. Rather than looking like a set of the lead characters, or as a selective representation of the show, it starts to look like an incomplete crew if you don't have all three key supporting characters together, but instead only have one or two of them. In my eyes at least.

So as a result, I'll be buying Scotty, be happy to have the four top tier characters on my shelf, and be satisfied by that, and basically consider the line done. If any others do come out, that's where the real quandary begins as far as I'm concerned. But for me buying Scotty is a no brainer.
My custom Rand rounds out the main characters quite well but I'd prefer official versions of as many characters as I can get. I'll be investing in as many as I can. Still, if most of the work has been done on Sulu and Uhura, reasonable sales from Scotty should win out. We'd better get posting images when he arrives to drum up as much interest as we can.


I am still so bummed out to hear
about the QMX / Nanjin news.

I have known Tam for years
from the hood days. Great guy
and just an all around cool geek.

When Nanjin first started,I bugged him
for one of his “personal “ toy and the guy
just gave it to me for just the
base cost to built because I really wanted it.
He even hand delivered it to me and only asked
I take good care of it. I am sure he knows and remember
his cool gesture.

I really hope things work out for My bud.

Here is a video you guys might have never seen.
The Guy was never about just the money as he
already made the money. For Nanjin to just walk away
it must be really hard..

Buy Scotty if just to remember what Nanjin did for ST .
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I’ve been involved in this hobby for over a decade and I’ve seen few sticklers for perfection like nanjin. It’s just pure passion and dedication. He really did it for the love as I know for a fact especially with his own customs he wasn’t making any money off of them.

I have much personal experience with parting ways with large companies when they are just not setting you up for creative success. When you’re good at what you do it’s impossible to settle for less than perfection you are just hard wired that way.
I wish I had gotten the TOS Kirk and Spock. Even though it’s a bummer for those that wanted more those two along with Bones and Scotty would have been my main wants.


I am still so bummed out to hear
about the QMX / Nanjin news.

I have known Tam for years
from the hood days. Great guy
and just an all around cool geek.

When Nanjin first started,I bugged him
for one of his “personal “ toy and the guy
just gave it to me for just the
base cost to built because I really wanted it.
He even hand delivered it to me and only asked
I take good care of it. I am sure he knows and remember
his cool gesture.

I really hope things work out for My bud.

Here is a video you guys might have never seen.
The Guy was never about just the money as he
already made the money. For Nanjin to just walk away
it must be really hard..

Buy Scotty if just to remember what Nanjin did for ST .

GREAT video! Thanks so much for sharing!
I'll pick up any Star Trek figures released, unless quality takes a nose-dive without Nanjin's involvement.

As mentioned before, Scotty is a day-one order once it becomes available from QMX. If that is the last figure we see in the line, although sad, I can be satisfied with the four that were released.


I am still so bummed out to hear
about the QMX / Nanjin news.

I have known Tam for years
from the hood days. Great guy
and just an all around cool geek.

When Nanjin first started,I bugged him
for one of his “personal “ toy and the guy
just gave it to me for just the
base cost to built because I really wanted it.
He even hand delivered it to me and only asked
I take good care of it. I am sure he knows and remember
his cool gesture.

I really hope things work out for My bud.

Here is a video you guys might have never seen.
The Guy was never about just the money as he
already made the money. For Nanjin to just walk away
it must be really hard..

Buy Scotty if just to remember what Nanjin did for ST .

I have seen this video before, but forgot about so many things, TWOK Khan figure - that was on my buy list. The other TNG figures shown I had forgotten about. I'm afraid we will never see these. Hoping for a Kirk Spock TOS reissue in some form, I don't have high hopes for much else. I hope I am wrong.
Thanks for posting that. First time I’ve seen it. Still kicking myself in arse for not picking up Kirk and Spock.

Video is sad because Nanjin was so passionate about the line and now he is divorced from it. That really sucks ba||$.
I think the minute QMX stopped making Kirk and yet over produced the chair seal the faith to the line or the final straw that broke the camel's back.

If you look at retailers, the chair is still for sale . Now who is going to buy the chair if there is no more Kirk?
TOS Scotty will unfortunately be only be purchased by the die hard fans and after the first few weeks, you
might also see Scotty languishing for months and months as the supply exceed demand.
Then QMX will justify the line is not worth any future investment

It is such a pity QMX had something that could have been very special but now the line is doing a slow death

The way for QMX to save the line is to immediately make more Kirk or I am afraid ST might be done for good
The 3 year mission started with TOS and unfortunately ends also with TOS zzz so sad
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Kirk and Spock are gateway figures. If QMX doesn't confirm that version two is coming, it could affect sales, including as you say, further sales of the chair. I will buy the chair if they produce a TMP Kirk for example. I would also invest in a movie chair too.