QMX Star Trek General discussion thread

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Wow... There is little if any Shatner in the Kirk sculpt from "The Wrath of Kahn".
Actually to get him in a more natural seated position I just unzipped the back of the pants on mine. It removes all the tension in the fabric so you can move the legs up a lot higher, and you can't see anything from the front anyway so that's not a problem.

That's a good idea, I think I'll do that as well.
They are all looking pretty good, with the exception of Data. He looks strange, for some reason.

Where is Geordi, Worf and Riker??

If I don't see them included soon, I may pass on the rest of the TNG figures. I don't want an incomplete line.
Data looks awful. I'm most interested in TNG but they've got a long ways to go with that one. I think the movie Kirk, Spock, and Khan look pretty good. Kirk could use work but I don't think he's as far off as some do. Kind of wish that Khan would have sculpted hair, that rooted hair looks kinda cheap to me.
Data is terrible- no other word to say about it
WOK Spock is superb- Kirk needs some work. Khan is good but that hair is too much and not futzed
They're all prototypes for the most part. Data actually looks pretty good in person. Not sure what people are seeing here.

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I’d agree with the asssment here Kirk off and data is not good. In any of the pictures but many of the others shine in the pictures. so I’m not sure how if it went to production looking like this it would be a winner. TNG is off to a rough start :(
They're all prototypes for the most part. Data actually looks pretty good in person. Not sure what people are seeing here.

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Have you seen TWOK Kirk in person? No one has taken a straight on close up picture of him I have seen
I wonder if it would be crazy to expect these this year at all. I could almost see QMX pumping these all out and doing two per pre-order. They did three figures and the chair last year so it might be a bit much but it’d be awesome. I’ll definitely grab Data (though I hope he’s improved), Kirk, and Spock. Probably Khan as well though he’s not as necessary to me as much as I like the film.

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Really wish there was more consistency with the look of these headsculpts. From what I can see, they have at least three different sculptors working on these now, and it's very obvious that some (like Spock, McCoy, Scotty, and Data) are done in a very different style than the others.
I'm not saying there isn't room for improvement (and it is a prototype), and I realize the standards that are now regularly expected, but the rhetoric on a lot of threads these days is a bit much; "Terrible", "Way off", "Looks NOTHING like him/her". This isn't an exact angle/expression comparison but it's close. I lightened the eyebrows a bit (they are way too dark, although it varied with the makeup application sometimes), but that's it. The ears are off, but that should be an easy fix. Other than that I like it.

Data's face is a caricature, it doesn't look like the actual actor. I may be wrong but feels like it was sculpted by the same person who did TOS Spock, which wasn't a good sculpt either.

Then again, I don't really care at this point. Picard was a disaster so I most likely won't be gettin' any more TNG figures, even tho I was looking forward for them the most.

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