Just got Mccoy,fantastic sculpt the photos don't do him justice,in hand he is spot onView attachment 330303
That depends on several factors; how big do you want, and do you want pre-built or do-it-yourself. The creme deal creme of assembly kits is the Polar Lights 1/350 kit with the smooth hull. If I had room for it,I would get it in a heartbeat. There are other, more manageable options, however. The 22"cut-away kit is not bad, though it does require a bit of extra work to make it accurate. Revell-Germany has done a fairly nice version, which was clearly designed to support internal lighting. It's a little bigger than the old AMT kit, which is still available and can be made to produce a fairly nice display. Polar Lights-Round 2 has also done a very nice 1/1000 scale version that is very accurate, has several build and paint options, and doesn't require a lot of display space. You can even get it pre-painted. PL-R2 has a whole series of 1/1000 kits, covering most of the main TOS and movie era ships...
Here's a photo of my Revell Enterprise,which carries a 30 year old but still very effective lighting system...
Took about 8 months to finish her, mostly because I'm a perfectionist and wanted to do her proud...PS
As an aside, I saw that episode where Kirk fought the Gorn a few weeks back for the very first time and wow...ridiculous lol. But I see why people dig it.
I think there might be a salt monster in development somewhere.
I think they should have started off with two-packs for the 6 inch figures to maximise the popularity of Kirk and Spock figures. Kirk and the Gorn two-pack. McCoy and the Salt Monster. Spock and the Horta. Khan and Marla. Evil Kirk and Rand. Possessed Spock and Chapel. And so on.
At 1/6 scale you very quickly come up against cost barriers, although maybe one money-saving method could be alternate heads for pre-existing figures alongside a full figure of less popular ones. You save on uniform and body costs but I expect the heads are the most expensive and complicated part of the figures and that probably makes it less viable. That said, tweaking a pre-existing sculpt is probably less expensive than a brand new one.
There is a Kirk-Gorn two-pack. I have it: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/_c_MaBzzRV2A/TNc_asFMCKI/AAAAAAAAIc8/n2eNOm9gexo/s1600/kirkvsgorncard1.jpg
And there is Spock and the Horta: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c7a88f_190b4263f1954814b3c3b19fd105aaad.jpg
Ah, okay. I only started to collect two years ago, so I wouldn't know the difference. It's funny how like ten years ago I saw them advertised at backside of the Stargate sheets. Little did I know at the time that one day I would be buying them!Yes but they were brought out very recently, long after the line had run out of steam.
Here's a picture of them minus the salt monster: https://img.trekmovie.com/images/merchandise/dst_tos5_group_blue.jpgDST was going to do a Salt Monster. It was going to be an exclusive add I think it was shown at the 2007 Toy fair along with the McCoy in his medicine smock, Mark Lenard Romulan commander, Nurse Chapel. It was going to be a good year but was cancelled. You got a few more Kirks and Spocks after that and a Kang but the line ended soon after, with a couple of almost statues released since then. Hated to see it end