Nice mod!
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That brings a tear to my eye. Oh never mind, I am watching the Tigers game, that's why.i look at Kirk in his chair EVERY DAY and weep tears of joy!!
Is anyone still using their captain’s chairs for Kirk in their displays or has the buzz with those worn off?
i look at Kirk in his chair EVERY DAY and weep tears of joy!!
I absolutely adore my chair. It also makes the perfect centrepiece when flanked by Spock and Bones. I've no clue what I'll do when Scotty comes out though, but that's a problem for another day!
YES this!! ...the Cap'n's chair is it's own character!
This is an absolutely great idea! My ideal conclusion for TOS was ST6 with Heads only except Kirk. (He needs a captain's jacket, head, and a “fat suit”) a special “Relic” release is an amazing idea for Scotty - our Trek war hero!Agreed. It's a beautiful work of art.
Wouldn't mind getting an older Scotty to pose with Picard, the chair and a bottle of Aldebaran whiskey... Think of TNG episode, "Relics"...
I think I might have needed to narrow the wrist pegs to get them to fit in. But anytime you switch to another body there are little mods like that that you have to make.
Modify the boot could be difficult...I got the Freddie body but what's the best way to get the boot pegs to fit the legs? Getting them out of the boots looks like a nightmare (on Elm Street). McCoy's wrist pegs are also really tight.
I suppose an easier path might be to swap body with Kirk as someone else suggested. Not quite screen accurate but I rarely noticed Kelly being taller than Shatner.