Because of the slight hint of a mustache, I thought it was Errol Flynn as Zorro, but that wouldn't exactly be quotable.
Hmmm...Either Justified or Preacher for the western? They wouldn't say they have a new licence since they already have Firefly.
The Lone Ranger sounds great but I wouldn't call it a Modern Western.
Until someone tops mine this will do for me:
How about "Deadwood" for the modern western? Great show and it certainly had (some) fans. I can't think of a lot of other contemporary television westerns that fall in the fan favorite category.
That's would be possible but the hat doesn't suggest it.
Could you post the hat pic?
See post #893.
The thing to keep in mind here is that it doesn't look like any of the pictures posted represent whatever the "modern" western is. They've given us pictures from 'Supernatural', 'Princess Bride', 'Firefly', and Star Trek.