Some interesting stuff from recent QS/InArt interview:
- Two Michael Jackson figures in the works, prototypes basically done. Will be shown at SDCC (alongside QS life-size MJ & T-800 bust from T2). PO shortly after. Globally licensed!
- If licensing is no issue with Arnold and StudioCanal, they want to do T-800 from T2
- Harry Potter license is the whole IP including Fantastic Beasts
- 1990 TMNT possible since Queen Studios boss seems to be a big fan
- Current plan for LOTR is only Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Nazgul. They'll consider the whole Fellowship but depends on sales. Could take time
- Affleck, Cavill, Gadot will be from BvS and ZSJL combined
- Bale will definitely be from TDK. Batman Begins maybe in a few years. Hathaway Catwoman planned
- Pheonix Joker currently being worked on. Diorama piece, number of figures/bodies/heads unknown. Price 1000 USD or more
- Female figures harder to produce, won't see Wonder Woman or Daenerys announced before next year at the earliest
- Alien/Predator license hard to obtain if you didn't have a contract with Fox before
- Disney basically telling InArt "Who are you again? Come back in a few years, then we can talk"
- They wanna get in touch with several studios when they're in the US, AMC was mentioned --> Walking Dead, Breaking Bad
Definitely recommend watching the whole thing if you have time, this is just what I remember from watching it yesterday. One thing I found confusing though: John said they're always triyng to reach more territories. He said the DC global license isn't easy to get. That's strange because JazzInc recently got the global license for 1/6 DC figures and Joost basically said that it was easy to obtain since Warner is pretty much desperate right now![]()
out of the live stream, below is what I'm interested/my comments.:
EDIT: Also, don't know why some of the sub-bullet points went bold even though they aren't selected as such. There's no emphasis on those bullets points. Just the text being buggy.
- Terminator
- A T2 T800 would be one of the easiest purchases. Hopefully he'd include Galleria items.
- Harry Potter/Wizarding World
- So, if they're also are planning Fantastic Beasts, I guess I need to sell my New Scamander figures as well.
- 1990 TMNT
- As much as I think I'd love to have to have these, I wonder if I'd actually purchase. The NECA figures were really great, but I never actually wanted to buy them.
- I just hope they get to Gimli. I can surprisingly do w/o Frodo and Sam.
- Snyderverse Tinity
- I wonder what exactly they they mean by "combined." I don't want a Blacksuit Superman. Hopefully they give the option like JND did where you can choose either the blue suit or black suit.
- Obviously want BvS Batman over JL though I think if InArt can make the JL version look as good as some of the customs I've seen, I wouldn't mind it
- Wonder Woman works for either/both version.
- Nolanverse TDK Trilogy
- We already knew it was going to be the TDK version which I hope we see it sooner than later. Mostly just so I can see what he comes with like sonar head, backpack etc.
- I would consider a Hathaway Catwoman if it looks as good as their 1/6 on batpod
- Walking Dead
- I would be completely satisfied with just a Daryl. But I'd take Negan as well. Rick has never been my favorite so idk if I'd pay InArt prices for one.
- Disney
- Don't really mind them not having anything Disney just yet as much as I would love a better Captain America.
- Funny that they're saying they don't know who InArt is when they're parent company has made a ton of MCU statues and busts.
Aaahh so much to look forward to!!