But you just painted them in a corner though. What can they surprise with that hasn’t been done already in some shape or form by some other company? T2? Aliens? Predator? The Matrix? John Wick? Rambo? Rocky? The Boys? I can assure you, I’m POSITIVE those that collected Star ace’s the boys figures WOULD GLADLY upgrade to The Boys figures produced by IA.
I don’t know about you, but I sure as hell want an upgrade to Aliens and predator. HT Dutch is crap. Was crap. Always been crap. I’d KILL for a Dutch that ACTUALLY looks like Arnold.
They teased monkey King Sun WuKong (Son Goku) from the Stephen Chow HK film. Those that are familiar with the movie are excited…but you also have more western collectors that LITERALLY whined like little b****** “oh wtf is this? LAME!”…not gonna lie, it was racist AF.
Harry Potter is a big IP with crappy AF 1/6 figures from Star ace. Now we’re gonna get QUALITY versions of these beloved characters. Do we complain about it saying “it’s been done before”? Or should we show excitement because HP is getting the love it deserves?
You also gotta remember, IA is stuck in the Asian Market when it comes to distribution.
They NEED IPs China are familiar with. YOU may be excited for something like T2 (actually IDK what you’re looking for specifically

, just throwing out random IPs to make a point), but China would be “oh wtf is this? LAME!”
There’s absolutely NO IP announcement that will make EVERYONE happy. I’m a huge fighting game fan. If I’m not mistaken, IA teased they have the King Of Fighters license. Now, I don’t know if KOF even registers with you or if you care…but I DO. I love KOF and it’d be a dream come true to get KOF 1/6 figures with IA QUALITY.
That being said…I just KNOW collectors that exclusively purchase movie based figures will curse the heavens and start a smear campaign against IA because they didn’t reveal figures THEY WANTED…and chances are…the figures they wanted would MOST DEFINITELY be from something that’s already been done before. It’s exhausting.
FOR NOW, They just need to get their brand name out there. If it means making their own versions of the fellowship, BVS trinity, HP…yo, just make them quality and I’ll buy them. HELP them get bigger. Then the IPs that are ONLY recognizable in the West will eventually get their day in the Sun with the IA seal of quality.