Queen Studios / InArt to do sixth scale figures

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Queen responded to someone on insta that the price should be reasonable. Pls don’t be over $400
400-600 seems appropriate, at least it should be warranted that the quality will be better than hot toys. non-barbie hair rooted hair for (certain characters), good paintjobs on the headsculpt. magnetic feet and magnetic stand perhaps?
It's always good to have a competition each sector honestly for 1/6th scale figures our monopoly was Hot Toys now there will be new breathes in the market but as i read from past comments everybody is concerned with the prices like me because after COVID situations i guess each country and their citizens are struggling with economic situations and paying higher debts or even the gasoline prices are above the sky everywhere on the world and when we check Queen Studios and JND Collectibles they are already above most of the collectors budget for sure and they are working with quarter and half scales and would not be suprised those details but when the scale becomes smaller that means more craftmanship but i hope they will do almost similar jobs as their statues and always pleasure to see good stuff at our hobby center.

Biggest problem is if they put higher prices than Hot Toys even they shrink Pattinson and try to sell with 500$ people are still going to buy from HT because in today's world money is the most decisive factor and if you are buying like me by intertnational sellers after adding the shipment fees and custom fees that figure comes to you as a fortune and even displaying in a detolf shelf would not be enough maybe we can hire security like a diamong ring store because just a single one sixth scale is more expensive than jewelleries nowadays at least at my country lol.
I love this. Perfect time for $500 1/6th figures.

I said this in another thread, but it will be funny to see Hot Toys be low-end now. :lol
On one hand that's a terrifying thought for anyone deep in the game. On the other, it could be a sort of rebirth. Higher prices, better quality and only "important" figures being made. We'd go back to the days of every 1/6th figure being a character that warrants the detail and scale, instead of Axes Woves and fifty Stormtrooper variants. The completionism hole a lot may find themselves in could be eradicated. Which is a double edged sword as we've spent a lot of time wishing HT would make the B/C-Listers instead of the same old, but you get my point.

Dunno, a part of me kinda wants this. But on the other upgrading to a whole new tier of 1/6th would be a nightmare. And I don't even own much. Now factor the way the world is right now, and it's not a good match. But just imagine offloading your 400$ Thanos so that you can get the Sillicone 1.2K Thanos. Sometimes I wonder what normies would think of us if they took a look in here. We'd be locked up if it was up to them.


I don't know. I always tend to gravitate to the higher quality, so if QS is that much above HT, I'd be tempted to make the transition, even if I have to sacrifice the amount of figures. But considering I'd still keep buying HT's SW stuff at the very least, even if they started doing Marvel, then what'd be the point? God, can't they just go ahead and tell us how their license works? Save us all this torment...

It's always good to have a competition each sector honestly for 1/6th scale figures our monopoly was Hot Toys now there will be new breathes in the market but as i read from past comments everybody is concerned with the prices like me because after COVID situations i guess each country and their citizens are struggling with economic situations and paying higher debts or even the gasoline prices are above the sky everywhere on the world and when we check Queen Studios and JND Collectibles they are already above most of the collectors budget for sure and they are working with quarter and half scales and would not be suprised those details but when the scale becomes smaller that means more craftmanship but i hope they will do almost similar jobs as their statues and always pleasure to see good stuff at our hobby center.

Biggest problem is if they put higher prices than Hot Toys even they shrink Pattinson and try to sell with 500$ people are still going to buy from HT because in today's world money is the most decisive factor and if you are buying like me by intertnational sellers after adding the shipment fees and custom fees that figure comes to you as a fortune and even displaying in a detolf shelf would not be enough maybe we can hire security like a diamong ring store because just a single one sixth scale is more expensive than jewelleries nowadays at least at my country lol.
As another International customer, I feel you. I've found a local store, so that eliminates the problem of shipping, but taxes are still a killer. The hobby's getting increasingly more expensive as life's getting more "demanding" as well. We'll all have to make choices, but the problem is that many of us are caught in the completionist train of thought, even if we're not going bananas with "flavour of the month" figures. Even if you're just a DC Collector and have an impressive Batman collection from HT, now you're looking at potentially better quality pieces of the same characters you own. Just how much do you love Batman, and why were you into the hobby in the first place?

Me, I got in just to have the highest quality figure representation of my favourites. That spiralled to some displays ideas. If QS & JND raise the game the way HT basically rode SS off the map, then it's going home or just starting anew with a much more limited selection. I'll pay any ammount for the best Vader or Doom. I'll pay it for one or two companion pieces. But I can't do Team-Displays in that case. Hell, a PS5 is the price of two dolls now. A powerful rig maybe 5 dolls. Someone's first car costs less than some member's detolf (#4 of 23).

The average person on the street is worried about oil prices, natural gas, WW3. Others are worried about their careers, or something deeply personal. We're worried about how much the prices on our overpriced dolls will be raised, and how that'll reflect on our possibly-soon-to-be-outdated dolls... We truly have become, The Clowns™.

Queen Studios actually responded to my post. Which is weird, since I made it just an hour or so ago, and it's amidst a sea of wishlists. Still, here:



Not much to go on, but it's something to ponder about. The obvious takeaway here is that they're more cozy wth WB/DC. But then "trickier" has many meanings. If we see QS dip into the Marvel/MCU pond, then we're screwed. Or it'll be better for the competition, depends on your POV. Regardless, it's gonna be a doozy time...

it could be a sort of rebirth. Higher prices, better quality and only "important" figures being made. We'd go back to the days of every 1/6th figure being a character that warrants the detail and scale, instead of Axes Woves and fifty Stormtrooper variants. The completionism hole a lot may find themselves in could be eradicated.

Exactly. It could be great.

Its like 2010 again -- giving up Sideshow figures for HT figures. The time has come again.
Exactly. It could be great.

Its like 2010 again -- giving up Sideshow figures for HT figures. The time has come again.
HT still has Marvel & SW though. I can see myself filling out some displays with the abre minimum of figures, and keeping QS/JND for the really important ones. If they do pleather that doesn't flake and break, or if they start using real leather, it'll be a game changer. Still, this could be good for me. Keep me more focused. I still think HT is good enough as a go-to for displays and all the figures we want, but are not dying for. But QS/JND could fill that 10 super-special figures per year void. I surely would love a true high end shelf of about 10 or so figures that stand above the rest. Paul Atreides, Vader, Doom, the favourites. The problem arises if they do a "next-level" eg Taxi Driver or Mr Robot, and I have to put them next to an HT Sparrow in a movie shelf that could be outdated by then.

We'll see. Definitely a weird and exciting time. I'm getting wary about my planned displays though. I wouldn't want to drop 1.5K on HT F4, then have QS come out with a 2.5K product that'll blow them out of the water. I'm wondering if I should focus on absolute favourites over completionism. But even if QS is that much better, HT is still good. Their recent DX HS look pretty great.


So it's not it'll be a case of displaying Sideshow-level figs next to a JND 1:3 likeness or something.

What are those? There's no way that first pic with rooted hair is 1/6th... look at the fingers.
They are confirmed 1/6th according to their post though. They must improve something, otherwise why even get into it?
What are those? There's no way that first pic with rooted hair is 1/6th... look at the fingers.
Why? It's possible that is 1/6 scale, they are trying to sell it. The fingers and hands look good because most likely it's not removable hands like Hot Toys, it's more like the detachable forearms. Will look more realistic that way.
Why? It's possible that is 1/6 scale, they are trying to sell it. The fingers and hands look good because most likely it's not removable hands like Hot Toys, it's more like the detachable forearms. Will look more realistic that way.

I would love it to be, but I just don't think so. That whole thing looks 1/4th to me, including the button. We'll soon see. I do hope I'm wrong.

That said, the 2nd pic, the purple coat without rooted hair, that looks 1/6th.

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