Queen Studios / InArt to do sixth scale figures

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I would love it to be, but I just don't think so. That whole thing looks 1/4th to me, including the button. We'll soon see. I do hope I'm wrong.

That said, the 2nd pic, the purple coat without rooted hair, that looks 1/6th.
Here is the original post
Yeah, I seen those pictures. I'm confused by one with rooted hair and fine fingers and one with sculpted hair. I thought maybe they were showing their 1/4th compared to 1/6th...

I just don't know. But of course I hope those hands come on the 1/6th version.

And I hope I can afford it.

I haven't bought a Ledger Joker since the original bankrobber Joker so I'm way overdue... and this would be a dream.
Yeah, I seen those pictures. I'm confused by one with rooted hair and fine fingers and one with sculpted hair. I thought maybe they were showing their 1/4th compared to 1/6th...

I just don't know. But of course I hope those hands come on the 1/6th version.

And I hope I can afford it.

I haven't bought a Ledger Joker since the original bankrobber Joker so I'm way overdue... and this would be a dream.
Looks like two head sculpts, maybe a standard and deluxe
Yeah, I seen those pictures. I'm confused by one with rooted hair and fine fingers and one with sculpted hair. I thought maybe they were showing their 1/4th compared to 1/6th...

I just don't know. But of course I hope those hands come on the 1/6th version.

And I hope I can afford it.

I haven't bought a Ledger Joker since the original bankrobber Joker so I'm way overdue... and this would be a dream.

Looks like two head sculpts, maybe a standard and deluxe

They are probably doing the same tiered release they did with their 1:4 and offering separate options. Sculpted and Rooted. Rooted obviously going to be the more expensive option.
I hope they have a new tech to make hands because they look perfect for action figures. So real.

I don't think a joker head is the best figure they could tease as their first figure, because I rather wanted to see a real face instead of a painted clown face to see how good they really are...
I hope they have a new tech to make hands because they look perfect for action figures. So real.

I don't think a joker head is the best figure they could tease as their first figure, because I rather wanted to see a real face instead of a painted clown face to see how good they really are...
It's hard to 100% tell since it's dark on the wrist area but it looks like they're going with the seamless wrist/forearm method that Viper has done before.


As long as the grouping of hands works for the way I want to pose, then fine.

The realism will definitely hinder the anyway-you-want posing options. But I love the non-jointed hands/wrists -- been wanting that for a very long time.
I'm always cynical and pessimistic.

I believe many are being too unrealistic and naive in hoping this will be less than $500.00 USD.

I believe it'll be more. If I'm proven wrong, I'm fine.

This offering is for the "1%" in the 1:6 hobby with zero hesitation on immediately spending $500.00, $600.00, $700.00 and up for an offering such as this.

The remaining 99% either come up with the $ or suck it up. That's the harsh reality I see based on some posts/replies in this thread without directly implying as such.

For all the anticipation and faith for the new launched endeavor, the absolute core question (other than price) is can and will the final in hand production design and quality be the same as what is being previewed? Considering the inevitable very high dollar MSRP, I'm inclined to post/say it better be a guarantee. Of course, we know better because there will always be those who'll say even with the high dollar price there needs to be leeway. I've heard and seen such bull before for prior supposed high end high priced 1:6 offerings that were proven to be dismal.

I wait to be proven wrong and I'm fine with that or possibly proven right in varying nuances and then many all of a sudden go quiet/develop a case of amnesia based on prior observations over the years.
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I mostly just see cautious optimism here, which is totally fine. A lot of people have been burned and disappointed before but there's more potential here than usual. The names aren't a completely unknown quantity just coming out of nowhere. I think it's understandable to be a bit excited, though hopefully they can actually deliver on what they're selling.

I expect the price to be on the higher side, but I am personally hoping it's somewhere between reasonable and ridiculous just so that there is a chance for them to become actual competitors to Hot Toys instead of becoming something that feels less obtainable.

Not so much for me as the licenses they've teased are outside of my focuses, but the 1/6 market needs more competition and choice. Hot Toys needs a bit of let's say motivation to stop doing the weird things they've been doing like half-hearted releases, empty licenses, phantom prototypes, and cut corners.

But even if the price point is where it would keep the figures out of the hands of many collectors, there are people who normally wouldn't want to spend that much who would buy them as a grail/endgame/retirement piece.

I know some folks who have been collecting for a long time that are tired and just want those last pieces so they can retire happily and just enjoy their collection.

Until something inevitably catches their eye 5 years down the line and they get sucked back in. But that's a story for another time.
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I believe this brand being a direct "competition" to HT is an assumption and totally wrong.

Queen Studios/InArt is supposedly going to be a higher caliber of design and quality exceeding above & beyond what HT proven or at the very least slightly better or essentially the same if they cannot replicate the precise degree of final in hand production and quality, but at a significant higher price point.

I don't see Queen Studios/InArt as competition. Just another luxury brand being discussed/hyped as being superior to HT.

No. I don't have love or support HT either.

I see way too much anticipation and faith by those along the price tolerance being moved up and many being oblivious to the ramifications overall.
If the quality is there, I don't mind paying for it.
My grandfather always said he'd rather have three $300 suits that nine $100 suits. When you compare insane quality to decent quality, it's like love - it makes madmen out of us. Sure, I eat catfood now. But at least I have a Joker that looks like he's real . . .
I'm tired of mass collecting.

I'd prefer to buy a few great pieces for a lot of money, then tons of pieces for a lot less that fall apart over time or are reissued, V2'd or remade.

And a few great pieces around the house look a lot better to the ladies then that strange room with 12 detolfs and 200 dolls...
I'm tired of mass collecting.

I'd prefer to buy a few great pieces for a lot of money, then tons of pieces for a lot less that fall apart over time or are reissued, V2'd or remade.

Exactly this. I'm too stuck in my completionism ways, but something like this could be the wakeup call I need. I'll likely fill out some displays in HT form, but in much fewer numbers, and focus on some true grails. That's why I even got into this in the first place. I wanted a Spider-Man, a Batman, a Joker, a Vader, Magneto & Xavier from the then-current McAvoy/Fassbender films, and so on. I never planned to be going so deep into it that I'd be planning to buy Morbius or whatever else. Maybe this will be good for me. Force me to be much more selective. After all, our collections are like mini museums, and we have to be curators.

All I know is that I'm POing that Paul Day 1. He'll look splendid with rooted hair.


My grandfather always said he'd rather have three $300 suits that nine $100 suits. When you compare insane quality to decent quality, it's like love - it makes madmen out of us. Sure, I eat catfood now. But at least I have a Joker that looks like he's real . . .
Well said. It's all about sacrifice. We must be ready to twist the knife when we have to.


Forget the food. Nurishment is momentary. Artistic Dolls of Pop Culture Icons are forever.
I'm too stuck in my completionism ways, but something like this could be the wakeup call I need... and focus on some true grails.

Yep! New decade, time for a new 'collecting strategy'.

Quite honestly, I think I have everything I ever wanted and at this point I just keep adding. Instead, I'd really like to upgrade just a few key characters and display those. So having a truly high-end figure to chase rather than endless pairings will be nice.

That said, Star Wars is always the thing that destroys plans of simple displays. Part of me hopes they never do anything but a great $500 Darth Vader from the original Star Wars... but they would never stop there.
Yep! New decade, time for a new 'collecting strategy'.
...That's actually a neat idea.

Quite honestly, I think I have everything I ever wanted and at this point I just keep adding. Instead, I'd really like to upgrade just a few key characters and display those. So having a truly high-end figure to chase rather than endless pairings will be nice.
That's my problem; all my wants are still in the future. X-Men, FF, Cosmic Marvel, BatVerse, Green Lantern; none of these things were around in the past decade. So for all intents and purposes I'm just now "starting". And I'm not even going to get into film wants or random favourites; those are totally random. Point is, I'm still early in my "progress". However, with this "shakeup", I find myself more selective. If every decade there's a higher bar to be raised, then this hobby will never be "over". There's always going to be another format, another new technique, another technology that allows for better results, whatever. So the last few days I've been downsizing my imaginary wishlists. Cutting down the teams and displays, making everything more cohesive, taking these "higher end" ones in consideration as an extra tier. It's freeing in a way.

That said, Star Wars is always the thing that destroys plans of simple displays. Part of me hopes they never do anything but a great $500 Darth Vader from the original Star Wars... but they would never stop there.
Honestly, I'm getting tired of SW. I've said it before, but I have an external HD where I keep everything SW in there. Movies, shows, comics, whatever. I have it all. Every Wednesday I add more. I'm this close to deleting everything bar the movies and EU content and leaving it as is. Treat whatever comes as a totally divorced AU and only get the figures that are translated EU characters, despite their treatment in the "canon". I just can't keep going like this. I'm tired. I know that the MCU will end in the next decade. I know that it's a different AU to the comics, and I know no matter 616 Cyclops is always there, so the figure will be a representation of him. SW and its multimedia interconnectivity is killing me. I'd rather go back to my old EU. Done and dead as it is, I at least know where I stand. But this? It's just exhausting.


It's sad how much of it is nostalgia. But if you look at it from that way, my nostalgia ends in 2012. This is a new SW, so why do I even feel tied to it? Nostalgia hits us for specific periods and installments, not blanket terms, otherwise it's not genuine nostalgia but a faux pretense. In QS format I'd buy Vader, Anakin, maybe a PT Sheev and that'd be it. Some EU stuff too, but very, very few, and they'll never happen so it's a moot point.

We'll see. I'm feeling optimistic though. This could be a good change. Make the hobby fun again, where every doll was a celebration, instead of another ticked off box.

I know Dark Toys just released one, but could a licensed version be around the corner?!

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I was thinking about it when I saw the announcement and how all of the figures were from WB licenses. I'd certainly shell out the cash for a Deckard and K, even if I had to "kill" some other figure.