Queen Studios / InArt to do sixth scale figures

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I'd love a 1/6 Sauron. I don't think even Asmus has tackled it yet. No headsculpt to worry about either.

Outside of that though, I'd only want the main core Fellowship members. I don't care or want anything from the Hobbit trilogy.

Gandalf, Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli, Frodo and Sam would be great if they ever get that far.

Won't they have a perfect opportunity to capitalise on hype for Sauron in the Amazon series ? I thought it essentially covers the time of his "creation" or coming to being.
I wouldn't want a Sauron unless it was a fiery eye that darted around looking for me.

Gimli and Frodo, for me, would finish off the Queen/InArt LOTR display perfectly.

Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli

Gandalf and Frodo
Yep surely this is what most would want as a core team.

Gandalf, Frodo, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli

Maybe Frodo and Sam as a 2 Hobbit pack.
in my almost 15 years in this ridiculously overpriced doll hobby Iā€™ve seen a lot. Iā€™ve seen this before. Itā€™s called all fluff.
They will get that joker out probably after a lot of delays. It will be above average in sure. Iā€™m assuming though thatā€™s pretty much it.
The hype has died down it's true. Aside from a few fancy sculpts, fluff interviews and silly stunts like Gandalf last week, they're just another player.

I am looking forward to seeing their Neo and others next month though.

I am grateful that their Joker proved that I don't give a **** about the Dark Knight Trilogy any more.
None of the 1/6 scale characters QS has teased are new to 1/6 retail, are they? I donā€™t know about you, but if I already have a Darth Vader, or Joker or whatever character, Iā€™m pretty much done shopping for that character. Very little could persuade me to get another Joker. I am not sure, but think I may be in the majority of this very small minority of 1/6 collectors who have that attitude. Seems to me QS is pursuing the 1% of the 1% of 1/6 collectors, which does not bode well from my perspective.

Polls make collectors feel heard, but I am not sure how well polls can shore up a companyā€™s profitability. Nanjinā€™s business model makes sense; just doesnā€™t seem like QS has thought this through properly for longevity.
Seems to me QS is pursuing the 1% of the 1% of 1/6 collectors, which does not bode well from my perspective.

Polls make collectors feel heard, but I am not sure how well polls can shore up a companyā€™s profitability. Nanjinā€™s business model makes sense; just doesnā€™t seem like QS has thought this through properly for longevity.

Would be great to see ThreeZero stepping up with more '80s licenses. They did such a fantastic job with Rambo III and they even went on to pursue First Blood. Why not add other properties to the list?
Yup and plus threezero figures are mediocre at best. Iā€™m all for companies getting licenses hot toys passes up and I think hot toys stalled on the innovation over 7 years ago if Iā€™m honestā€¦ so sure new players are welcome.

just mark my words these queen studios guys are gonna be nobody. Not molecule 8 thievery nobody of courseā€¦ but I doubt they have the infrastructure to even be a threezero type playerā€¦ Just another iconic studio at worst who puts out one licensed figure or at best a blitzway who manages to squeeze out like 10 1/6 figures before just realizing itā€™s not that easy of a business.
Other newbies like Iconiq have put three figures up in a year, and that Flash Back company have just Dexter.

I guess they're taking time to make sure they don't release something like Asmus and Ash or Big Chief's Bond.
I'd be fine with them putting out 5-10 figures up for PO per year. Go for some more "niche" but still mainstream licenses like Matrix and the such. Fill out the movie/videogame holes and leave Marvel & SW to HT.

The way I see it, the hobby's becoming more expensive every day, so for me the whole "next step at 600$ for great doll hair" hype died some ways back. I just want some good, high end figures of certain characters beyond the MCU/SW stuff I know I'll get one way or another.

Other newbies like Iconiq have put three figures up in a year, and that Flash Back company have just Dexter.

I guess they're taking time to make sure they don't release something like Asmus and Ash or Big Chief's Bond.
I have that Iconiq Bateman on PO, but I am getting somewhat worried. There's been literally no updates and it's already missed its shipping window. I dread ending up with something like that Asmus Ash figure.
I see the thread has went from celebratory optimism to hateful pessimism real quick lol.

I'm still all about that production in hand figure then you can celebrate. Even with that, how many figures will they be ramping up to a year? Got to start somewhere and at this point it is going to be lucky to see 5 in a year. All just newer versions of old characters.

Long way to go. I've seen those FB polls with a hundred of requests. Guess they didn't realize you should uncheck that poll box of people creating new options lol.

I'm ready to see what Battinson will look like. That is first true one on one battle with Hot Toys.
I paid ~300ā‚¬ (and then there's the shipping and ~30% tax) for a BCS 12th Doctor that I'll not see until 2024... And I have their Tommeh from peaky Fokin Blindahs to pay off. All the while not knowing if I'll end up receiving a glorified Sideshow fig...

I'd be fine with them putting out 5-10 figures up for PO per year. Go for some more "niche" but still mainstream licenses like Matrix and the such. Fill out the movie/videogame holes and leave Marvel & SW to HT.

The way I see it, the hobby's becoming more expensive every day, so for me the whole "next step at 600$ for great doll hair" hype died some ways back. I just want some good, high end figures of certain characters beyond the MCU/SW stuff I know I'll get one way or another.

I have that Iconiq Bateman on PO, but I am getting somewhat worried. There's been literally no updates and it's already missed its shipping window. I dread ending up with something like that Asmus Ash figure.
Well if it looks bad when an early review or in hand pics come out it'll be cancelled, plain and simple.

Companies need to realise collectors for the most part won't put up with their laziness and inferior products any longer.

I'm not preordering anything from Hot Toys until in hand pics come out, or until they bother to actually make it a movie masterpiece as they claim, like Peacemaker. My God what they put out is utterly shameful.

I'm seeing posts about how great their DX Batman is, and yet Peacemaker was a huge write off with not a peep since.
Well if it looks bad when an early review or in hand pics come out it'll be cancelled, plain and simple.

Companies need to realise collectors for the most part won't put up with their laziness and inferior products any longer.

I'm not preordering anything from Hot Toys until in hand pics come out, or until they bother to actually make it a movie masterpiece as they claim, like Peacemaker. My God what they put out is utterly shameful.

I'm seeing posts about how great their DX Batman is, and yet Peacemaker was a huge write off with not a peep since.
Unless it's supremely crap, I'll probably keep my Bateman PO. It's unlikely such a figure will be made again and I need him. I want to track down that Tyler Durden at some point too. Same with the HT Stan Lee.

I've always skipped figures that didn't turn out quite as I liked them and hoped for another costume or try down the line. With MCU/DC stuff it's easy to do. With one-offs less so. But take the recent HT MK. I passed on that without a second thought. I'll get a Mr. Knight as it's just a suit and they won't screw that up (if they make him), but I'm not paying 350ā‚¬ for that thing.

Personally, I've found that if they like a character, they'll knock it out of the park, or at least try to. If they don't care, they'll churn out a mediocre effort, and that'll be it.
Companies need to realise collectors for the most part won't put up with their laziness and inferior products any longer.
I think those collectors are in the minority. New ones join the fold every day and they're not as discerning as those who've been in the game and seen it all. Unless it's a major miss like Peacemaker or Ash "Willams," most people will keep buying.

I was much less picky when I started, happy to get whatever I could get my hands on. It's only because I've seen the same mistakes over and over again that my patience has run thin.
There is apparently bull crap and hypocritical posts/replies by members in this thread.

"IF" the final product doesn't meet the hyperbolic and unrealistic expectations of those clamoring about QS/IA let alone what QS/IA is promising (without a guarantee), there are some who'll accept it "as is".

That's the same idiotic rationale about collectors who support Asmus. They get all hyped about what Asmus promises and fails to deliver and accept the mediocrity.

That kind of mentality hurts the hobby, but it falls on deaf ears and blind loyalty.
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