Yeah, that's the problem right there with one-off figures, where do they display them? Although Dr. Who would kind of work, right? Both in a sci-fi section maybe

Sorry, that's probably like telling a Trekkie you could display Kirk with Luke Skywalker.
For me it's about quality too. BCS isn't exactly on HT's level, let alone these new rooted IA dolls. And DW is a special case because of their outfits. It is a Sci-Fantasy show, but they're dressed in bowties and vests. I have 3 now, plus one on PO. I'd rather keep them separate than mix them with anything else. When I get my Exo-6 TWOK Kirk & Spock, I can easily see myself pairing them with a Hal Jordan if/when DC wisens up and makes a Lantern movie. Or even an InArt Cavill Superman. Because those fit together. They have that Sci-Fi aesthetic.
In the end, that is indeed the problem with one-offs. I have literally 0 idea where to put a Spider-Man or Indiana Jones in the future. I know I can pair Baleman and Ledger, and I can then add a Battinson or a Deathstroke. Even if they never make a Michael Corleone, I could still pair Vito with my BCS Tommy Shelby and Iconiq Patrick Bateman. But the Indys, the Jack Sparrows; those are trickier.
In theory I'd be okay with a display of 2 for Dune, but I'd much prefer 5-6. There's a bit of potential for that maybe, especially with this being their first global licence and the films being star packed as they are. I think many casual Dune fans, who are general 1:6 collectors, would pick up Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem, Oscar Isaac, Jason Momoa, and Stellan Skarsgard figures.
I don't know if I'd go that deep because I find the DUNC designs rather underwhelming. But the big name stars do certainly help. Maybe AUGToys will make some more, but they went dark pretty early. Depending on how DUNC 2 does, I can see InArt making something extra. But they've already said that they're focusing on the main characters across the board, so they're not a company that I can see making the B/C listers from their licences. For example beyond some Neos, at most I'd expect Morpheus and Trinity from The Matrix, not the Twins, Persephone or whatever else.
I myself would like something more than just Paul, if only to make the Dune section bigger and more prominent. We'll see. For the time being I'm wondering if they'll try a two-pack situation with a uniformed Paul or if it'll be just the stillsuit. In either case, it'll be an impressive figure.
Isn't the whole playground-fantasy having characters from different movies all together in one?
Depends on how you set up your collection. I myself like sections. I wouldn't want to mix Cosmic Marvel with Superman. It seems off to me to have Thanos, Warlock, some FF, Nova, Silver Surfer, whatever else, and then at the far end to have a lone Superman. I'd rather pair him with a Kirk and a Spock. I can put Neo next to the T-800 and Adam Jensen from Deus Ex. I can put Sherlock next to Dracula and have a mini Gothic set up. I can come up with a "Movie Icons" shelf and pair Indy with Don Corleone, Aragorn, Conan, Jack Sparrow and Deckard, all in a row. But I can't add a Davy Jones and a Roy Batty there because that'd mess up the numbers. You just have to find that sweet spot. It's about how the themes flow. That and how well the figures go together, from aesthetics, realism, etc. Plus how you have it all set up. Moducases? Custom builds? Detolfs?
In my case it's a moot point since I keep everything in storage until I get that "perfect" space, so I reckon I'll set up my entire collection in 2033 (if I haven't been bombed by then). For the time being I'm content fixing my bookshelves and such, but all my figures stay in their boxes, stored all over. I need to see what I end up getting before I make any plans for displaying. What gets made, how it turns out, how it all fits together by the end. I'll probably go the custom route and commission a full piece. I can't see it working otherwise. As I've said before, I'm all over the place. I've narrowed it down to about 20 different themes/IPs that I'm into. Some I want a single figure from, others potentially 5 or 20 but I could be happy with 2. If I don't reach the end, I won't know. I was sure I'd get that Tobey-Man but it turned out to be underhwelming so I'm passing and waiting. Which means that maybe his spot will go to something else I hadn't considered. Or maybe nothing will come up and I'll be 300$ less broke. It's an unpredictable hobby. So I'm hesitant to plan in the vein of "oh yeah, I'm going to get that 6-fig moducase to put my Batman stuff in" when I have no idea if I'll end up getting anything beyond a Baleman and a Ledger. It's all in flux.