Yeah it's kind of insane seeing some of the responses to their first event that didn't go as planned. Some people are making it out to be as if they're doomed and a complete failure of a company. Saw someone say that
they should be compensated with something for them not showing Aragorn like they said.

They're a new team trying to be innovating in a stagnant 1/6 space through a small team. Mistakes will be made along the way. Is it disappointing that it didn't go the way they planned? Sure but it isn't anything more serious beyond that.
Just have to hope that they learn from these missteps going forward and continue to improve as a company. Some of the responses I'm seeing will 100% cause Inart to communicate less and less. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't.
This is exactly why Hot Toys doesn't say **** or communicate at all with the community. Way too toxic sometimes.