InArt is, at this point, going to roll out very high quality third party/low end HT quality products. With the exception of the hair rooting, these initial outings are starting to show what they actually are: really good products, but not one to revolutionize the industry.
It's okay to be supportive of InArt but do so in a reasonable fashion with realistic expectations. Y'all Cyberpunk 2077'd these figures and now that they're materializing and not the impossible perfection which many expected, reality sets in.
Simply put, knocking what they have accomplished just for the sake of it is just as asinine as blindly claiming perfection.
It doesn't mean that InArt can't still be very good, but it's going to take more than hair rooting, flashy words of promised detail, and false pretenses of "fan input" for licenses for them to excell to the next level they are pushing.
They certainly are not going to gain favor if they pull what happened with Aragorn, and this event as a whole. If the real goal was to acquire global licenses via the public eye....this show ain't it chief.